Simplicity meets Crazy Shortcut Quilts

February 25, 2010

The pattern...

The fabric....

The thread...

I'm having fun!! 

Baby Zeke's quilt

February 24, 2010

I finished Zeke's quilt yesterday. I am very pleased with how it turned out!

I love the wonky spirals in the squares. 

Hannah's lovey makeover

February 23, 2010

Hannah loves her lovey. Pretty obvious, huh? 

After I gave her lovey some care and attention. 

This rip was the most difficult to fix. 

This and that...

February 17, 2010

Winter is hard on me emotionally. I tend to get depressed during the winter months.  I am so ready for it to be Spring. I want to see this:

Not this:

I have been enjoying shopping at Goodwill and Salvation Army. Here are a few fun finds I've scored lately.

I bought this little saucer because it was pretty. I had no idea it was bone china and according to the Haviland stamp, it may have been produced in the late 1800's or early 1900's. I've done some research online to try to identify the pattern but haven't had any luck so far. I'm fairly certain it's worth more than the 38¢ I paid for it, though that doesn't matter to me.

A few new Pyrex finds...I love the yellow bowls.

Cute tin...It has a bar code on the back, so it can't be that old, but I still like it.

I've been wanting a plate rack to display these old plates. The top plate has a story.

Isn't she lovely? She was hand-painted by a lovely (I assume since I never met her) elderly woman who went to church with Russ' family during his childhood days.

 I choose to ignore this side... :-D

Anyone need an Amana Woolen Mills blanket? It still has the faint smell of a cedar chest on it. Look at the fringe! It's in perfect shape and I'm sure it was never used. 

The best bargain and the one that made a certain man-cub VERY happy was this new suit...

On the way home from the dentist last week, we stopped at a Goodwill that was having their weekly quarter day. I told the boys they could buy whatever they want that sported the quarter colored tag. Mitchell found the jacket and the pants for a quarter each. I sprung the full price of $3.38 for the shirt and $1.38 for the tie. See? I can be generous. LOL!

Isn't he handsome and so grown up? When did that happen???

Have a blessed day...

Some show and tell

February 15, 2010

I've been busy at the machine, however, as one thing I have been working on is a gift for Brooklyn in honor of her third birthday in July, I have to wait a few more months before I show it.

With winter being long and dreary here in Iowa, I've found myself being drawn to the brights to work with. The brighter the better. I  love this simple quilt pattern by Lady Harvatine. I struggle with stretching my fabric too much and have had to tweak it a time or two to get it to lay more smoothly. I'm hoping the actual quilting part with help smooth it more. I may add a boarder or two to make it a bit bigger. As it is right now, it's a small baby quilt size.

For Valentine's Day, my hubby made me a new pressing board to sit on my latest Goodwill ironing board find. I love the older ironing boards. They are more sturdy and wider.This one was in perfect shape! Not bad for under $4. The pressing board is made of 1/2" plywood with two 2" stripes of wood to hold it on the ironing board. It's nice and wide at 24" and the length is 48". Plenty of room to press fat quarters and half yard cuts of fabric. I layered the wood with two layers of Warm and Natural batting and covered it with a 100% cotton crib sheet I found at Goodwill. 

View from the bottom. I had to avoid three pups who think when momma is on the floor she needs her face tongue lashed. LOL!

To finish off my show and tell, I made this darling spray bottle cover to cover my pressing spray. Cute, huh? You can find the tute at Sew Many Ways. This is a great gift idea to give to your friends who love to sew. 

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