Two more removed from the waiting list

June 21, 2018

And one more added!! 

First, the two that are finished...

This one was made with my far too large stash of Simplicity by 3 Sisters that I collected years ago. I am determined to get it all sewn up and used!! If anyone loves this fabric and would like some, please let me know!! 

I also have busted most of my Pam Kitty Morning stash and got this Perfect Ten quilt all quilted up and off my to-do list. 

I chose to do a variation of my free-form wavy lines by adding a second free-form wavy line on top of another to create a look like a streamer or a ribbon. 

I like how it looks! 

Now for the one that got added to the to-do list!! 

I spent most of Saturday trimming up the Ombre Gems blocks and got them pieced into a quilt top! I am very happy with how it turned out!! It's far from perfect, but much better than I feared. 

 This quilt was a good growing experience for me. I used fabric I was not comfortable with, stuck to a quilt-along schedule (ie: didn't rush to finish) and made a top with blocks placed on point. It's good for me to make a quilt top that is a challenge every once in a while. It's a confidence builder, when it turns out good in the end, that is. *wink*

Until next time!! 

North Shore ~ Minnesota

June 18, 2018

Earlier this month, we spent the weekend in Two Harbors, MN. Two of my favorite memories of the weekend was getting up at 4:45 am to watch the sunrise come up over Lake Superior. It was beautiful! And getting up around midnight to drive about 10 miles out of town to where there was very, very little light pollution so I could see the Milky Way for the first time. Simply breathtaking!! 

One of the days were there, we hiked at Gooseberry Falls State Park to see the waterfalls. 

And we logged a few miles on the Superior Hiking Trail. 

The weekend before we went, my son and his friends also visited the area to slackline at Palisade Head. And this is why I have lots and lots of gray hair!! 

We have a few more weekends getaways planned, as well as a vacation to spend a week in Colorado. I have never been, so I am very excited about that! 

Have a happy summer day!! 

Fabric Blessing

June 7, 2018

Patty contacted me to see if I would like to take her Basic Grey Fresh Cut fabric she wasn't going to use off her hands.  


I was blown away when I got the package in the mail yesterday!! 

Look at all the fabric!!! There is more than one complete jelly roll and yardage! 

All sorted by size...

It's all tucked away in a basket along with the Fresh Cut fabric I already had, just waiting for the perfect project!!

Thank you so very much, Patty, for your kind generosity! I will be thinking of you while I play with this wonderful bundle of fabric fun!! 

Big Baby ~ Baby Quilt

June 6, 2018

A few weeks ago, I took advantage of a warm and non-windy day to power baste 5 quilt tops that had I had backings already made for them. This was one of them. It's called Big Baby by Gigi's Thimble. It's an extra large version of her Scrap Jar Star and can be found in her book "Vintage Vibe."  

I chose to densely quilt it with my walking foot using the serpentine stitch on my Bernina. On my machine, it is stitch number 4 and I stretched it out a little bit. I don't recall the exact number, but I think it was 2.75.

When I do quilting like this, I start with quilting on all the seams. In this quilt, I had 9 even rows. Then I divide each of the 9 rows in half and add another quilting line. Then I divided each of those rows in half and added another quilting line. Every time I did that, it multiplied how many more lines I had to quilt between. I almost quit when my quilting lines were roughly 1/2" apart, but I made myself take that extra time and I added that last line to get the quilting to be approximately 1/4" apart and it was worth it!! The texture is amazing!! 

Here it is bound and washed. The batting is Hobbs 80/20. Not my favorite batting because it is pretty thin, but it was what I had on hand. It still shows up the texture nicely. 

And the beauty shots...

Have a happy Wednesday!!

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