Life is good!

July 19, 2019

Yes, I am still here! 

There hasn't been any sewing happening since I posted last, and it will be weeks before I will be able to get into my sewing room again, but all is well! 

We have been very busy with the never-ending job of home maintenance...

replacing deck boards
painting the soffit

and travels.

Orange Beach
Very soon we are heading to Glacier National Park!!

At the beginning of this year, Russ and I changed how we were eating, partially to prepare for hiking at Glacier, as well as for our overall general health. I am proud to say that I have lost over 40 pounds and my husband has lost almost 50 so far!! We feel fantastic! 

Later this summer, my granddaughter, Brooklyn, will be visiting for a few days. I hope to do some sewing projects with her while she is here. That will be fun! 

Until next time!! 
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