Things In My (Momma's) House Thursday

April 30, 2009

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Today we are going to explore my Momma's massive "L" shaped front porch.

This corner is where her family and friends did a lot of sitting and talking during the long hours of her last days on earth. The porch swing was a favorite place to rest.

I love the old church pew.

Come join MommySweetMom for Things In My House Thursday and share the things in your house!!

Disappearing 9-patch

The disappearing 9-patch quilt I started is nearing completion. I ordered the fabric for the backing and I'm waiting for it to arrive. I'm going to quilt it using the stitch-in-the-ditch technique as shown by Marguerita of Crazy Shortcut Quilts. Most of the fabric came from my mom's stash. The denim is old jeans I had on hand.

Girl time this weekend

Last March, Laurie and I got our matching purses during our girl time away. This year Jen, Loretta and Brooklyn are coming with us!! I can't wait! :-D

Slept most of the day

April 29, 2009

I woke up with the beginnings of a migraine this morning. I stayed in bed until 11:30 and took a two and a half hour nap this afternoon. I'm hoping I can sleep tonight!

Not to be outdone

April 27, 2009

Carol, of ~~Knitted Kitty~~ and MSM, of MommySweetMom are showing off their cats. I don't like to be outdone, so here is a video of my sweet (?) Gracie.

Hold on tight. The action is breathtaking!!

Oh, and please do not make fun of her haircut. She is very embarrassed enough already. *wink*

What's the big deal??

April 26, 2009

This sermon explains what the big deal is concerning same sex marriage.

What kind of bird is this?

April 25, 2009

Casey, on her way to the store, called to tell me to look out my window. I grabbed my camera and took pictures through the glass, so the quality is not great. I wonder what they are??

Then battle is your calling...

My pastor posted with quote on his blog and I keep reading it over and over again. I thought I would pass it along. :o)

“When principles that run against your deepest convictions begin to win the day, then battle is your calling, and peace has become your sin; you must, at the price of dearest peace, lay your convictions bare before friend and enemy, with all the fire of your faith.”

~ Abraham Kuyper

Carpet is G.O.N.E!

April 24, 2009

Reagan and I worked all day to get it done. I love working with him.

New friend

April 23, 2009

Yesterday I had lunch with my new friend, Nancy, of Nancy's Tidbits. I find it so amazing how you can meet someone for the first time and feel like you have known them your whole life.

Good-bye, carpet

Hello, wood floors!! The rug is hiding some stains in the wood from pet accidents, but we are confident we can sand most of it out and make it look nice.

I hope to get the rest of the carpet up and out in the next few days. I'm doing small manageable sections at a time. The worst part is pulling the wood strips off around the edges of the floor and the long U-shaped staples. It will be worth the work and the aching muscles.

Things In My (Momma's) House Thursday

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The Bridal Suite...This room had it's own private bathroom. This was the room I stayed in the last few days of my Momma's life. Originally, since I live fairly close to Mom's house, it was assumed that I would go home every night and come back the next morning. Not wanting to cause an issue and invite myself to stay, I bought an air mattress for the back of my van and I was going to sleep there at night. I didn't want to leave her during those last days. When Mom found that out, she told me I was to forget that idea and sleep in the Bridal Suite room.

Come join MommySweetMom for Things In My House Thursday and share the things in your house!!

God's sanctifying grace

April 20, 2009


Sweet baby...

Would you have adopted this sweet baby knowing he was going to die in a few short months? This family did.

God's way are not our ways. He only does that which is good, though on this side of heaven it may not seem like it. I don't know if in time, all our pain and suffering will make sense. I don't know if we will understand the sanctifying work He has done and is doing in our lives. But I do know this...He sent His Son to redeem us. Christ came, suffered the wrath that we deserved, died and rose again...He conquered death. Death has lost it's sting. One day, those who called upon His Name in faith, will be with Him and have new glorified bodies just like Jesus. I long for that day when I am rid of this flesh...

I love what Matthew's mom had to say in her March 6th post.

So, I am thankful for Matt because he has further exposed the blackness in my heart and my need for the the forgiveness found in Jesus. I am sick because I seek physical healing, signs and wonders, rather than the One to whom the signs point. Jesus is our hope. Spiritual healing is our calling and our destiny in Christ. Someday I will watch Matt run and play and laugh. Until we finally make it home, we rest in His finished work and long for its realization in heaven.

May we all be thankful for the trials that God brings our way in order to sanctify us and make us more like Jesus Christ....

Let's pray for this family as they mourn the loss of their sweet son....

A very special thank you to Pastor Josh, for sharing this story with me today.

Susan Boyle

April 19, 2009

If you haven't taken the time to watch the You tube of Susan Boyle's performance on Britian's Got Talent, take the time. You won't be sorry....

For some background on Susan, head on over to Amy's blog.


April 16, 2009

I'm feeling much better today, other than being a bit grouchy...Sorry boys...

Sorry about not memeing, Jen....My second week in a row. My bad. (Is that still the cool thing to say, or am I out of it.)

Our church is hosting a marriage conference this weekend that Russ and I are helping with. I'm praying my anxiety will stay tolerable and I am a help not a hindrance. The conference is featuring Dr. Gary and Barb Rosberg. Russ and I have gone to 3 Weekend to Remember conferences held by Family Life Today, but none by the Rosbergs. I'm excited to hear what they have to say.

I did get all three pups bathed and groomed today. No small feat when you have 3 long haired, double coated pups that are in the middle of their semi-annual shedding season. I could knit a sweater with all the hair I got off of them. If I knew how to knit, that is. ;)

The sun is shining...The flowers are blooming and God is merciful.

Life is good....

Feeling pretty lousy

April 14, 2009

I'm still feeling pretty yucky...*sigh*

My first acupuncture visit

April 13, 2009

I had my first visit today to help with my migraines. I need to go in a few more times. This first time, I had to go in the middle of one. I can't drive or talk coherently in the middle of a migraine, and this one was BAD one!! Russ took me, filled out the paper work and answered most other questions. The doctor was so kind. He took one look at the back of my neck and said it was obvious it was a very bad one because my neck was so tight.

I forgot my camera....Next time, I'm taking one. ;)

It didn't help right away...He said it could take a couple of hours to take affect and told me go home, take my migraine medicine and rest. I slept all afternoon and woke up pain-free, though I am groggy from the medicine I took to help me sleep.

Next time I need to go in before my cycle and before the pain hits.

I am so far behind on my blog replying. I read all the posts over the last few days, I just couldn't respond. Rest assured, I am impressed with the bird pictures, the quilt studios, the moving piece on Easter from the perspective of different years....And so much more....

I needed to hear this...

April 11, 2009

My pastor posted a great talk by Mark Driscoll, of Mars Hill Church.

It was a reminder that I needed to hear, having been on both sides of the rifle, myself.

Thank you, Marcy...

April 10, 2009

Marcy needed a small bit of help with her blog. She insisted that she make me slippers as a thank you for my help. I'm so glad I didn't argue!! Look at these GREAT slippers!!!

Thank you, marcy....I LOVE them!!! :D

Working on the Swap

April 8, 2009

The last two days I have been spending some much needed time on The Swap. It's a web site for homeschooling, but all are welcome on our forums. We have quite a few people who hang out with us who don't homeschool. I'm fixing web pages, updating buttons and general maintenance stuff. I like doing this kind of work. :o) I think it's fun to play with the ftp and html codes.

I'd better get back to work!! :D

Began a new quilt

April 6, 2009

Searching the web, I found a tutorial for a quilt called the disappearing nine-patch. I thought it looked like fun and something I could do. I'm using the smaller scraps of material that I got from my mom.

Here is the beginning of my new project.

I have a Crazy Shortcut Quilt ready to put together, but I need to decide on what material to use for the sashing. I need to get to the store with a few of the squares and make up my mind.

A precious lamb needs prayer

April 4, 2009

House Full of Joy

Would you please pray for little Charity? Charity was born with Down syndrome and is extremely critically ill on ECMO.

Please stop by the family blog and let them know you are praying for their precious Charity.

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