To Lauren and the dreaded No-reply

January 22, 2020

Dear Lauren, you asked me about this quilt, but unfortunately, I have no way to answer you via email because you have your email hidden. Here is one way to fix that if you are interested! I hope you find your way here to read my answer!

There is no pattern for this quilt, it is made with half square triangles which are blocks that look like this:

In my quilt, half of the block is white and the other is pink. The diagonal layout is accomplished very simply by how the half square triangles are oriented. I know your grandmother could make a quilt like this very easily for your baby. The half square triangle is a very versatile and common quilt block.  I hope this helps!!


And, now to the rest of you...If you ask me a question or leave a comment and you don't hear back from me after a few days, it is mostly likely because your email is hidden and I have no way to reach you, which makes me very sad. If you do a search, there are a ton of bloggers who share how to fix the no-reply setting. Here is one.  If you are unsure if your email is hidden, be sure to add your email to your comment/question. You can also reach me via email by clicking on my profile picture. It will take you to my profile and there is a link to my email. 

While I am writing a post, I may as well share a glimpse of what I am playing with these days...I'll share what these lovelies are being made into soon! For those who may be interested, the fabric is First Romance by Kristyne Czepuryk by Moda. 

Until next time!! 😁

Temperature Quilt Pattern - Scrap Pattern

January 16, 2020

It's that time of the year where quilters are beginning to plan and make temperature quilts. Although I am not making a temperature quilt this year, a fellow blogger,  Joanne @ Canuck Quilter posted her original design for a temperature quilt that caught my attention and she is offering the pattern for free! Check this out! 

Not only is this a clever design for a temperature quilt, it's also a great design for using up scraps! 
I made this baby quilt yesterday and that included figuring out the math, so it goes together quickly! 

I am going to make another one, but I am going to change the layout. I discovered by reversing every other row, it creates a circle effect and I want to try that!

Some other ideas I had: 
1 - Use left over jelly roll strips for the colored fabric 
2 - Rainbow quilts 
3 - Single colored quilts 
4 -Two colored quilts
5 - Super scrappy quilts 
6 - Create an ombre quilt 

It's fun finding a pattern that is so versatile, quick and easy! 

In my quilt, I used 2 ½" squares instead of 2" squares that the pattern called for and it finishes at 
38 ½" x 42 ½".  Here is the math if you want to make one like mine. Please refer to Canuck Quilter's Temperature Quilt pattern for instructions on how to assemble your quilt. 

Colored fabrics:
228 - 2 ½" squares 
114 - 2 ½" x 4 ½" rectangles (great way to use jelly roll strips)

Background fabric:
Cut 10 - 2 ½" strips and sub cut into
Fabric A)  42 - 2 ½" x 3 ½"
Fabric B) 72 - 2 ½" squares
Fabric C) 72 - 2 1/2" x 1 ½"

When you download Joanne's pattern, please take the time to thank her for her generosity! 

Double 4 Patch - Baby Quilts

January 14, 2020

When my box of goodies came in, I told myself I had to get some scraps of my own used before I cut into the new fabric. Out came all the 2" squares I already had cut up in my scrap bins. You can read about how I have my scraps precut to useable sizes HERE.  

I sewed them all together and tossed them into a bin. 

One by one, I sewed them together to create 4 patches. 

Next I added 3 ½" squares to the 4 patches. I took those sets and created a double 4 patch. These final squares measure 6 ½", so I could have added a 6 ½" square to them and eventually make a double-double 4 patch measuring at 12 ½". I love this kind of quilty math!! Maybe next time. 

I had enough to make one baby quilt at 42 ½" x 54 ½"...

and two more at 36 ½" x 42 ½"!

My 2" squares are mostly gone, but I still have a pile of 3 ½" left. I tried to make a dent, but like most quilters, I suspect, you can hardly tell I used any and yet, I have 3 baby quilts to show for it. They aren't fancy, but they are still cute! And I love this kind of mindless sewing. 

This one I made using left over princess fabric from a long time ago. Some little girl will be happy to have this quilt to call her own...

In my quilt closet, I have 5 baby quilts so far ready to be quilted and donated to Bridgehaven

My to-be-quilted pile is stacking up! 

Are you making any dents in your scraps? What are your favorite ways of using them up? 

Box of Goodies

January 11, 2020

Last week, I was gifted with a box full of goodies by a fellow quilter who was destashing. She generously donated the fabric for me to use for the donation quilts I like to make for our local pregnancy support center Bridgehaven

She told me she was sending scraps...

What I received was fat eighths, fat quarters, half yard cuts and yardage!!  

For the last few years, I haven't been adding a lot to my stash. What I have realized is by adding these interesting fabric pieces, it has greatly enhanced my stash and given it new life. I am ready to play!!

Thanks, Jocelyn!! 😘

My Quilting Journal

January 3, 2020

Chic Sparrow travelers notebooks are one of my favorite guilty pleasures that I discovered a couple of years ago. They go hand in hand with my love for fountain pens and quality writing paper. They really are awesome!! I bought the  Blue Jay in the B6 size to use for my quilting journal and I filled it with two Leuchtturm 1917 notebooks

Why not buy one of the quilters planners or journals that are out there? Partially because of the expense, they have to be replaced every year, and they include things in them I am not interested in like a calendar. It makes much more sense to create my own so I can set it up with only the information I want to keep track of. Besides, Chic Sparrows are awesome!! 😁 Yes, I do have to physically write out the information, but fountain pens are also awesome!! 😎

I am printing pictures of the quilts on regular printer paper and glueing them on the facing page. I like having a visual of the actual quilt along with the information. For now, I think this set up will work. I can always change things up in the future if I change my mind. Being able to be flexible is another bonus for writing it out on my own. There is plenty of room to write notes under the picture if I need to, as well. 

Do you have a system for keeping track of your quilts and other projects?

Welcome 2020!

January 1, 2020

A new year...New beginnings...The first day of a new year stirs up anticipation of hope and excitement in my heart like when you open a new notebook to the first clean page and prepare to write. The possibilities seem endless...

It's the perfect time to reflect on the goals I set up for myself last year, both personal and creative, and make new plans for the things I want to strive for in this new year.

My quilting goals for 2020:

1 - Make donation quilts for Bridgehaven.
In 2019, I only donated 7. I want to do much better this year. I hope to double that number. 

2 - Continue to use up my stash.
I did really well last year, but it will always be a goal to use up what I have. 

3 - Continue with being very selective about what I add to my stash. 
~  I did really well in this area last year, as well. I was tempted many times to buy fabric because it was pretty, or on sale. I have to say I have zero regrets about not buying fabric I wanted. Just because I love something doesn't mean I have to own it. Too much fabric in my stash overwhelms me and causes my creativity to shut down. Less is more in my world. 

4 - Learn one new technique out of my comfort zone.
  ~  I didn't do this one last year, so it is added again to this year. Not sure what that one new technique will be, though. If you have some suggestions, feel free to share!

5 - Set up a notebook to keep track of my projects as way to record what I created as well as keep track of who it was gifted to, fabrics used, pattern used, etc. I hope to share more on this at a later date. I am still in the figuring out how to set it up phase.  I purchased Chic Sparrow travelers notebooks for this purpose, so I must use them!

6 - Sort through my fabric and scraps. It's time for some of my fabric to find new homes,  someone who can use and love them.

My personal goals for 2020:

1 - Love my husband more.  

2 - Memorize at least one new scripture or sections of scripture a month. 
~ In 2019, I memorized 29 verses, which boils down to 18 sections of Scripture. My longest memorization was Titus 3:4-7. I use the Bible Memory app and I find it to be helpful. I did buy the full version, but you don't need to. 

3 -  Read my Bible regularly  
~ In July of last year, I downloaded the Reading Plan app and found a  beginners reading plan that took me through some of the Bible in 5 months. I have tried many times to read the Bible in a year and failed. The beginners reading plan took out most of the law so it was easier to get through and it was an encouragement to know I could finish what I began. This next year, I am going to read the Bible using the Five Day Plan. The goal will be to get through it in a year, but I will not fret over it taking longer than that. The goal is being in God's Word regularly and learning more about Him, not how fast I read through it. One way I help myself to stay engaged with my reading and to help my mind not wonder too much is to have the ESV Bible app on my phone read it out loud to me while I follow along in my Bible. 

4 - Continue to stay on the Low Carb High-Fat eating plan. 
~ 1000 x's YES! The KETO way of eating has changed my life and the life of my husband. My arthritis is gone. No more aching knees and hips. I've lost 55 pounds and went from a size 14-16 to a size 4 - 6. 🙌Russ is no longer pre diabetic and has lost over 50 pounds. He went from a size 42 waist to a 34. 👏 Our only regret is we didn't start this change earlier in our lives, but we are grateful we did when we did...

5 - Be an encouragement with those I meet. Greg Koukl at Stand To Reason sums it up well in his mentoring letter: Give 'Em Heaven 
~ Everyone has a story. Everyone has suffered in some way or is in the middle of suffering. When I was in the midst of great suffering six years ago, having someone be kind made my pain so much easier to bear. And you now what? 
Being KIND is not hard! 
Extending GRACE is not hard!
My goal last year was simple. When shopping, I wanted the people working there to know they were appreciated and give them reason to smile. One store where I frequently shop offered me a job 3 times this year. I politely declined, but it's nice to know they are happy to see me when I stop in. 😄I'd like to think I made a difference in my corner of the world by bringing some kindness to those I have met and I want the same for this year. 

6 -  One of my favorite t shirts says: Hold on I've gotta overthink about itI would like this to NOT be true of me, so this year, I am going to make a conscience effort to stop 
The bonus will be it won't take me hours and hours to write one simple blog post. A girl can dream, right? 

I'd be interested in hearing what your dreams and goals are for the new year. Please share! 

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