My blog in art

May 30, 2009

A lovely young lady sent me this wonderful piece of art that she created based on my blog. I think you will agree she is very clever, creative and talented.

First, the big picture. I love how detailed her work is.

In this scene are my two oldest children. Notice the bird in the tree? That was based on my post about the Spring robin game that Holden and I used to play. And the beautiful girl on the swing with the long flowing blonde is Haley.

Next we have Reagan as the knight. Remember what a brave knight he was on May Day two years ago?

Inside the fierce dragon costume we have Clay, representing all of my fur kids.

Laying on the ground gazing up at the sky, we have the jester, who would be Mitchell, since he always loves to share a good joke and he is definitely entertaining, even when he doesn't try. What is he gazing at?

His Wii remote. :-D

Of course, we have a castle where we all reside. With no termites, don't cha know! And it's on a hill with lots of land. *sigh* My dream home in the country...

Of course, this is my darling king Rusty and I. I can only dream of being that thin!

And, of course....A flock of sheep.

Thanks, Gen-Gen...I it!

And I love you, too...

Things In My House Thursday

May 28, 2009

RS small TIMHT

Diet food. Nuff said.

Laptop sleeve

May 26, 2009

We hope to be able to go camping more this year than we did last year. Our first long camping vacation is in a couple of weeks. I always take my laptop with me. I like to play with Photoshop, do some writing, or watch a movie so I decided to make a laptop sleeve/bag to protect it.

I'll be back later with updates. :o)

Here it is! I tie quilted it to keep the puffy batting from looking funny. I like how the buttons look with the ties. There's plenty of room for my AC adapter and mouse to tuck inside the bag. Now to finish the two quilts I started!

Clay's exciting adventure

May 25, 2009

I have a kayaking buddy! Clay did great during his maiden voyage. :o) It's gonna be a fun summer on the water.

Kayaking with hubby...

May 24, 2009

It was a beautiful day to float down the river. :o)

Nevin's graduation

May 23, 2009

Nevin...My very special teacher and friend.

Nevin, Reagan and Mitchell hanging out before the ceremony.

Waiting for his turn to walk the aisle with his teacher and principal (aka mom and dad).

The graduate! He's only a little excited. *wink*

It doesn't get better than this

In my email this morning...
I love you mom so much, you make my life filled with joy, have a have a happy Saturday mom.


VERY special day ahead!

Today is Nevin's graduation day! :-D I am so proud I am about to bust all of my buttons.

I love you, Nevin...Thank you for teaching me how to live life with GUSTO!

Now that's entertainment!

May 22, 2009

My bathtub is C.L.E.A.N!

This will make sense, so hang in there. :o)

I have had 3 adjustments by the chiropractor this week and it's going well. I'm sore, but nothing too horrible. He placed me on some supplements and I do seems to be feeling better. I have more energy and people have commented that I look like I feel better. I think I am less scatterbrained, too. I have a lot of tightness in my upper back/neck area and that's where they do a lot of work to try to get it to relax more.

One of the things that he recommended I do, and I think it's goofy, is to take two baths a week in epsom salts and one bath with 1 quart of vinegar. It's supposed to help pull the toxins out of my body. Whatever...Last night I soaked in the vinegar. As I was soaking, I noticed that the bathtub began to feel slimy. I was pretty grossed out and didn't soak for as long as I was supposed to. What I discovered is that vinegar removes soap scum! I have been searching for years to find a product to get my bathtub clean with out killing myself and my back. Nothing really worked, so I don't clean it as often as I should because of the chemical fumes and it hurts my back to lean over the edge and scrub. I used a bit of Comet cleanser and lightly scrubbed the tub and it looks brand new! It's so clean it squeaks!! I have no idea if the vinegar helped my body or not, but it sure made my bathtub clean!

Things In My House Thursday

May 21, 2009

RS small TIMHT

Since I have my precious granddaughter in my house, that's what I am sharing today. :o)

Can you tell who she adores?? I told Mitchell that every family has a crazy uncle and he is it. ;o)

Come join MommySweetMom for Things In My House Thursday and share the things in your house!!


May 20, 2009

I adore this little girl...

Mitchell was right

Last April Mitchell and I had a discussion concerning our swing set. He was right. I'm glad we kept it.

I love the pink swing! Brooklyn is visiting later today to try it out! Woot!

The rest of the story...

May 17, 2009

Two years ago this July, my granddaughter, my first and only grandchild, was placed for adoption. Here is the rest of the story...

10 or so years ago, a young man named Eric, invited Brad to a Bible study at college. A little while later, Eric got married and soon lost touch with Brad. Meanwhile, Brad became a Christian and invited Steve to a Bible study. Steve was soon converted and also became a Christian. Steve met a godly young woman at college and they were married. Steve and Jen became the parents of my granddaughter. Brad and Steve are best friends to this day...And Eric? Eric is my pastor.

God is so good to me...

I agree with John MacArthur

May 16, 2009

Clayton McDonald ~ Highlife

May 15, 2009

Clayton McDonald | Highlife | Nov. 5, 2008 from Atascadero Bible Church on Vimeo.

My sister-in-law's chiropractor to the rescue

May 14, 2009

My sis-in-law has been trying to get me to go to her chiropractor for over a year to get help for my migraines. I finally agreed and today was my first visit. Now, he is a very nice man and loves Jesus, but I am fairly sure there is some seriousness quackiness going on.

He did some strength tests. He would push down on my arm and I was told to resist as he touched different pressure points. There were several times when my arm would drop like a stone! He said my thyroid was low and my adrenal gland wasn't working right, as well as a couple other things, however, I will not share that information, thank-you-very-much. My neck is very tight, as well. He ordered a few x-rays and asked me to come back on Monday.

Now this is going to be interesting!!

Things In My House Thursday

RS small TIMHT

My John MacArthur study Bible. I bought it a little over 2 years ago.

Today's reading, 2nd Corinthians 5. Verse 17 is amazing!!

What Dr. MacArthur had to say about verse 17.

Read your Bible everyday and obey what it says. :o)

Come join MommySweetMom for Things In My House Thursday and share the things in your house!!
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