This and that...

February 17, 2010

Winter is hard on me emotionally. I tend to get depressed during the winter months.  I am so ready for it to be Spring. I want to see this:

Not this:

I have been enjoying shopping at Goodwill and Salvation Army. Here are a few fun finds I've scored lately.

I bought this little saucer because it was pretty. I had no idea it was bone china and according to the Haviland stamp, it may have been produced in the late 1800's or early 1900's. I've done some research online to try to identify the pattern but haven't had any luck so far. I'm fairly certain it's worth more than the 38¢ I paid for it, though that doesn't matter to me.

A few new Pyrex finds...I love the yellow bowls.

Cute tin...It has a bar code on the back, so it can't be that old, but I still like it.

I've been wanting a plate rack to display these old plates. The top plate has a story.

Isn't she lovely? She was hand-painted by a lovely (I assume since I never met her) elderly woman who went to church with Russ' family during his childhood days.

 I choose to ignore this side... :-D

Anyone need an Amana Woolen Mills blanket? It still has the faint smell of a cedar chest on it. Look at the fringe! It's in perfect shape and I'm sure it was never used. 

The best bargain and the one that made a certain man-cub VERY happy was this new suit...

On the way home from the dentist last week, we stopped at a Goodwill that was having their weekly quarter day. I told the boys they could buy whatever they want that sported the quarter colored tag. Mitchell found the jacket and the pants for a quarter each. I sprung the full price of $3.38 for the shirt and $1.38 for the tie. See? I can be generous. LOL!

Isn't he handsome and so grown up? When did that happen???

Have a blessed day...


  1. I LOVE vintage Pyrex...I think it's the bright and cheery colors that draws me to it, but I have always loved glass of any kind. I found a lime green Pyrex pie plate the other day. I was thrilled!

    If anyone sees the goofy lady jumping up and down at a Goodwill, it's probably me. ;o)

  2. Hi, Amy~

    Sorry to hear you have the winter blues. Sounds like you have seasonal depression and a good way to help that is with light therapy. A couple of trips to the tanning bed and you'll be as good as new! :> )

    I absolutely LOVE your picture of your clematis. Is that the Jackmani variety? GORGEOUS! Clematis are one of my favorite flowers. So easy to grow and so SHOWY!

    I am a lover of yard sales, thrift stores, and The Salvation Army. I grew up in The Salvation Army. What a wonderful church and a wonderful organization. They do so much for the community!

    Ii can't wait to see what other find you....FIND!


  3. Hey, Laura...Yes, it is the Jackmani variety and one other one mixed in that you don't see blooming. Whatever the other one is, it blooms in the early spring. Last season was the first time it looked so wonderful. :-)

  4. Yes he is very handsome:) good job Mitch

  5. Hi, Amy~

    Just stopping by to see how you're doing. Praying all is well!


  6. I really enjoy seeing your thrift store buys! That's right up my "alley"!

    The suit fits your son beautifully! (My husband recently found two sports jackets for $.50 each. We were SO thankful.)

    Winter is almost over. Hang in there. I used to think I suffered from S.A.D. This winter - for some reason - I haven't noticed it quite as much as other years. I have no explanation, but am thankful.

  7. My mom would have been proud of your shopping! Every stitch of clothing we wore as children was from the Salvation Army!

    Lindsey Petersen


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