I am so very glad you are here today! Once again,
Madame Samm has created a fun blog hop for us to participate in, wether we are on the creating side of things or just hopping along to see what other people have made. Hasn't
Mary been the perfect cheerleader to cheer us on? They both worked incredibly hard to make this blog hop a successful one.
Ladies, I tip my hat to you both...
Here is the list of the other participants for today's blog hop....
On to my project for the day! I need to share the story to explain my inspiration. =)
Once upon a time, my oldest son and his girlfriend found themselves expecting a baby too soon in their lives. They made the hardest and the best decision...the most selfless decision any couple could make.
They chose life...and placed their sweet baby girl up for adoption.
Their decision created a family....
Jens' first day as a mom |
Gotcha Day! Adoption is finalized.... |
Jen and Steve chose to have an open adoption. Being blessed to be able to watch my first grandchild grow up is priceless. Instead of losing a grandchild, I gained two more "kids" for my own family.
I chose to make my project a Mother's Day gift to Jen...The perfect mom for Brooklyn....Who waited many years to have a child of her own. I know she would say Brooklyn was
worth the wait...
The dress is one that Brooklyn wore when she was a wee tiny babe. =) This next weekend, we will be traveling to see Brooklyn participate in her first dance recital and I will be able to give Jen her Mother's Day gift myself.
I am sure there will be tears....
I love you, Jen...