Good morning!
I am not sure I am back to continue this blog or not, but until I do decide, I do need to let you all know Google is removing Feedburner (how you currently get emails of my blog posts) as of July. Several different bloggers have been working hard at finding a solution for this. Barbara over at Cat Patches found a solution. I suggest reading Barbara's blog post, especially the part about your settings. (the new subscription service) has imported all of my subscribers. Of course, if you want to be removed, you can unsubscribe anytime. 😊
While I am here, I may as well give an update, right? First, I have my little grandson, Bennett, living with me. As you can imagine, a toddler keeps me very busy! I tip my hat to all the moms of little ones!
Which leads me to the next news, since getting in my sewing room is challenging, to say the least, I decided to give cross stitching a try. It's much easier to pick up and put down when I have a free moment or two. I am hooked!! Here are a my finishes.
This is my very first project, Shine On by Bonnie and Camille. The pattern is found in their book The Bonnie and Camille Quilt Bee.
My next little project. I was testing out 18 count Aida cloth to see if I could stitch on it and if I liked it. I can and do like it very much!! One of my local quilt shops carries cross stitching fabric. It's so nice to be able to ask questions and see, touch and feel the different fabrics to stitch on.
This one is called Stitchville, by Thimble Blossoms.
That's only a tiny glimpse of what I have been up to this last year.
Until we meet again!!