My sister died....

September 30, 2009

...and I grieve...Our relationship may have been challenging at times, but I loved her...


September 17, 2009

I'll be back in a few weeks...


There Is No Greater Portrait

September 13, 2009

You can learn more about this hymn, and many others, at Reformed Praise.

There is no greater portrait
Of love and sacrifice
Than Jesus leaving glory
And laying down His life.
When I look on the sufferings
My Savior chose to bear,
It fills my heart with sorrow
To think I put Him there.

He ran the race before Him
Though it was filled with pain,
And walked the road to glory
In agony and shame.
Then for the joy before Him,
He chose to bear the cross,
Pursued His Father’s pleasure
And counted all else loss.

The Son of Man was lifted
Before creation’s eyes;
Was mocked and scorned by soldiers,
By kings and priests despised.
But now the Son is risen,
Ascended to the skies.
By angels He is worshipped;
By nations glorified.

O Savior, let this sinner
Be ransomed by the flood
Of mercy and forgiveness
Abundant in Your blood.
O Lord, be my salvation,
Your Holy Spirit send
To change my heart and cause me
To love You to the end.

Joined the cellular generation

September 12, 2009

After many sleepless nights, research and more research and doubting every decision made at least ten times, we went to US Cellular and bought 4 cell phones today and the land line is going bye-bye.

Checking out the phones one more time...Just to be sure we are getting the one we all want. We decided to get all the same one so we can all be able to work each other's phones.

The phone came with two face plates, grey and green. Green is Reagan's favorite color, so that's the one he chose. Russ took the gray. Bless him...

Mitchell chose a new red face plate. His favorite color.

Me?? Pink, of course. :-D

Curtains...At last!!

September 11, 2009

My living room has been without curtains for many, many years. We have shopped for them several times, but the price kept me from buying them. Yesterday, I got a wild idea...I love the vintage pillowcases and other linens I have found at Goodwill and Salvation Army. What if I made them my curtains??

Naked window...
Hardware and tools...
These are the coolest things!! You just clip your material on with the clips and slide the ring on the curtain rod. I had no idea such things existed!! I need to get out more.

The future curtains...

Ta da!!! I think it looks cute, and I can change them easily thanks to the cool clip rings. Easy peasy...
I decided to go all out and dig out some material from my mom and sew it up for the other window. I need to buy a few more clip rings. Other than that, I think it looks just fine. Better than naked windows, I'm thinking. :-D

Quilt labels

September 10, 2009

I've read that labeling your quilt is the thing to do. I looked into having a gal make me some, but the price was cost prohibitive at $10 - $15 a piece. They were beautifully made with her embroidery machine and I was very tempted. What caused me to resist is the fact that I would much rather spend money on more fabric, not a label.

So, I poked around the web and I found Patch A Lot with instructions on how to make a quilt label with freezer paper and an ink jet printer! Whoa! That was just what I was looking for! Inexpensive, creative and easy to personalize!

What do you think?

Update on Amanda


Pray for Amanda...
Hello Friends,

I know that email is not the most personal way to share news, but once you start making calls the news can travel so quickly and I just wanted to let you hear me.

We received news, in a call yesterday afternoon, that Amanda has developed a new cancerous tumor. The details are in the email that I am including in this correspondence. We don't have all the answers yet but I know that you care about our daughter and our family and I just wanted to send this information on and ask you to join with us as we pray for God's grace, mercy and peace to cover our daughter as well as our entire family during this time. We will continue to try and get any updates out through the blog or emails as decisions are made.

Thank you in advance for your prayers, your support and your care my daughter,



As you now are hearing, we learned some very difficult news during an MRI on Wednesday. I wanted to send a note and share with you a few more of the details that you may be wondering about.

Amanda has been doing great. She loves school and is very excited to be a senior. On Monday evening, while we were together in the kitchen talking, she told me that she was having a little bit of pain in her lower pelvic area when she did certain actions or movements. It was not sharp, she referred to it as an "ache" but said that she was aware of it and it was "annoying". She told me it had been doing this for about a week or so and she thought it would just go away, but it did not.

We had a lab draw scheduled for the next morning and so I told Amanda that we needed to talk with the Dr. about it while we were there. She didn't really want to, but understood that I felt it was very necessary.

On Tuesday, following the lab draw, we talked to the Dr. and they did a small exam. There was no bump or mass that could be felt. There was no place that was tender to the touch. They asked me what I would like to do and I said that I wanted an MRI right away to check it out. They agreed and thought that was the right thing to do and called me later that day to say we were scheduled for an MRI of her pelvic area on Wednesday morning.

The MRI showed a new mass. This new tumor is approximately the size of a peach pit. The MRI shows it in the junction between the top of Amanda's femur bone and where it connects into her hip socket. This was a previously "clean" area and has never showed any signs of cancer before. If you remember, there is a small spot that we have always watched closely that lies very close to the end of her spine. They could not remove it for fear of damaging her spinal column. Thankfully, that spot is still dormant at this time.

The development of this new spot is devastating for a number of reasons. Some of them being...

1) since it developed while on active chemo treatment then we have to consider that her osteo has found a way to mutate around chemo and chemo may no longer be effective. Amanda has received so much chemo in the past three years that we do not have many other chemo options available to us.

2) Osteo usually jumps to the lungs. That is why it was so important that she have the lung surgery to get the active cancer out of her system. If it has now moved beyond being contained in her lungs then it could develop anywhere. That is why a PET scan has been scheduled. We need to see if there are other new tumors developing elsewhere in her body. This scan will take place next Tuesday afternoon. I will share results with you when they are available. We have been told that we probably won't know the findings until sometime Wednesday.

3) Although all options will be considered, the location of this new tumor is especially problematic for Amanda since she depends on her right side for all of her mobility. Any surgical or radiation options have to consider what damage will be caused to that joint.

I know this probably does not answer all of your questions, we don't have all of the answers ourselves. Primarily, at this time, we need to wait for the PET scan and see what it tells us. After that we have been told that we will go to Houston where all of this scan information will be reviewed with Dr. Anderson and our options will be discussed.

Our hearts are broken over this latest development but we continue to hold on, we as we are, to our faith and ask, as before, that you keep this precious child and the days ahead in your prayers.


Present for my Kel

September 9, 2009

'Cause I can't keep secrets and Kel {Kel is my partner on the Swap and my dear, dear friend.} was "dying to know," I spilled the beans and sent her pictures of her surprise. Now that she knows, I can share it here!

I decided the back of the quilt should be pretty, too, so I just sewed up some scraps and used them as part of the backing.

I totally *heart* the Barefoot Roses fabric line by Tanya Whelan. I might need to find more of it and make a little something for me, too. :o)

Love ya, Kel!!!

The Obama School Speech Controversy -- What to Think?

September 8, 2009

First day of school

Today is our first day of school. Mitchell as a 7th grader (I held him back a year because he has a summer birthday) and Reagan as a sophomore. Unlike last year, I am looking foreword to school this year and, better yet, so are the boys. I am very thankful I am able to keep my boys at home for school. :o)

Wall Candy is having a give-away

September 6, 2009

Emily is a very talented artist with a whimsical style that is sure to bring a smile to your face. She is now creating fabric patterns that are so adorable! I'm really hoping someone discovers her so her fabric can be purchased at quality quilting stores in the future. I'd be first in line to buy it!

Go check out her blog, Wall Candy, and sign up for her fat quarter give-away of her latest fabric pattern. Make sure you check out her Etsy shop, too, and see all the great art prints she has for sale.

Fun finds at Goodwill today...

September 5, 2009

The jars I found at a vintage consignment shop. Perfect for buttons or other odds and ends.

You would think he would know by now...

Do you know how silly I feel when I am calling out Russ' name and looking all over the house for him only figure out that he ran an errand without telling me he was leaving!! He's two for two today. *sigh*

Why Moralism Is Not the Gospel -- And Why So Many Christians Think It Is

September 3, 2009

Albert Mohler writes:

One of the most amazing statements by the Apostle Paul is his indictment of the Galatian Christians for abandoning the Gospel. "I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different gospel," Paul declared. As he stated so emphatically, the Galatians had failed in the crucial test of discerning the authentic Gospel from its counterfeits.

His words could not be more clear: "But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed! As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you have received, he is to be accursed!" [Gal. 1:6-7]

This warning from the Apostle Paul, expressed in the language of the Apostle's shock and grief, is addressed not only to the church in Galatia, but to every congregation in every age. In our own day -- and in our own churches -- we desperately need to hear and to heed this warning. In our own time, we face false gospels no less subversive and seductive than those encountered and embraced by the Galatians.
Read the rest of this very thought provoking post on Albert Mohler's blog.

This topic is one I ponder on quite often. I fall into the moralistic train of thought and need to remind myself that I can not make myself pleasing to God, for He is only pleased with His Son. When God looks at me, He sees me through the filter of Christ's righteousness for Jesus redeemed me by shedding His blood for my sins. That is the only reason why He is pleased with me.

Big thoughts for so early in the morning...

Quitting Facebook

September 2, 2009

I have decided to suspend my Facebook account. I have been convicted of spending too much time there, and I feel like a voyeur much of the time.

Reading the article today on Owen Strachan's blog called Social Media Update: Quitting Facebook, or, Maybe Quitters do Win helped me take the plunge that I have been toying with for a while now...

Andy, a commenter on Owen's blog, said this...

...I’m already susceptible to sinful pride as it is, and those sites only amplify that tendency.
You're not alone, Andy...

Yakity yak

September 1, 2009

My goal has been to start school today with the boys, however, I woke up with a migraine, so we are going to delay the start by a day or two. I hate feeling like I am behind before I even begin.

I've been reading my blogger friends' posts, but not responding. I'm way behind there, too. Not to mention the emails. Oy!

I do have two small quilt tops done, but alas, I need someone with a long-arm to help me finish them. My goal was to have them done by now. *sigh*

Shananne and I did get the web pages for the women's conference mostly done last week, and our super-duper smart and talented Pastor Josh tidied them up for us. I've learned that I have a lot to learn...A LOT!! However, I know who can teach me. *tee hee* He is brilliant....

Last night, Russ and I had a date night. He took me to one of my favorite stores, Stuff Etc. I bought a treasure!! Russ was less than thrilled. I think it's adorable. It looks cute with some of my new fabric stash I've been collecting all tucked away inside.

Nancy or Melony, do you have any ideas on how to fix it up?

Oh, the migraine medicine is kicking in. Relief!

On a serious note...My daughter's best friend's two month old baby is seriously ill with bleeding on the brain and seizures. I'll be creating a button for him soon. Prayers for baby Tristan would be appreciated.

~ Do I dare confess I wrote this before noon and am just now, over 3 hours later, remembering to click "post?" LOL!

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