Lucas and his quilt

October 2, 2011

I forgot to take a picture of Lucas' quilt after I had it all quilted. Can you believe that? And I did all the quilting on Tipsy, even....

*feeling pretty silly about now*

But I did take pictures of the quilt with baby Lucas, so that makes up for it. =) 

He is a sweetie....


  1. Your new grandson is beautiful, and so is his new quilt!!!!

  2. What a sweetie, Gramma! He is adorable dressed to match your beautiful quilt-good job on the quilting ~

  3. A beautiful blanket for a beautiful boy! Happy Sunday to you. :)

  4. Don't squeeze him to hard Grandma. He is really cute and healthy looking. The quilt is a good choice for this precious one. Chris

  5. He's just too sweet! and the quilt is great too! Congrats on all fronts!

  6. Ohhhh...makes me miss my little grandson. He is adorable and love the quilt too!

  7. Oh he really is a sweetie!! Sooo cute!
    Your Quilting is lovely as ever. Good that you've made friends with your tipsi :-)

    Thanks for liking my yarn. And btw, you've implanted an idea in my head. So maybe there will a "Sock-Surprise" in my shop :-))

  8. you are one lucky grandma...he is precious!!! and that quilt comes in a close second to how sweet he is. love the quilting you did!

  9. Precious baby! Congratulations! The quilt is lovely. Thanks for sharing.


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