
December 7, 2011

Have you heard of Pinterest

Essentially it's a virtual bulletin board. It's a great place to save bookmarks to things you want to do, for example, quilt patterns. Or you could make a pin board that holds gift ideas for your friends and family. There are a ton of household tips and money saving ideas that I really enjoy. Oh, if you like to cook and are looking for recipes, Pinterest is the place to go. 

Here is a screen shot of my boards so you can get an idea of what I mean. 

I have more boards, but they are farther down the screen. 

If you see something on my pin board you find interesting, you click on the picture and it will take you to the original site where the picture came from. It's a great way to save tutorials. Repinning is when you see something on someone's pin board and you want to save it to your own pin boards. 

Another thing is you can follow other people and their boards, so you can see what they are pinning. You can all of their boards or only the ones you are interested in. I tend not to follow the food ones. It only makes me hungry seeing all the good food. *wink*


And because it's on line, you don't have to remember web sites if you want to show someone something. You just go to your Pinterest account and show them from there. 

I have some invitations to Pinterest if anyone is interested. Just let me know. =) 

Here is where you can find me on Pinterest. If you have an account to Pinterest, let me know! I would love to follow your boards! 


  1. Amy, I just found your blog through Happy Cottage; followed you on pinterest, and appreciate your post on it! I just joined, so I'm on the learning curve now!

  2. WOO HOO! Another Pinterest junkie! I am in LOVE with that site. So many little time! lol

    BTW, I'm your newest Pinterest follower!


  3. Pinterest scares me.. I think if I joined I would never exit the internet!

  4. I'd love an invite, Amy~ actually just "applied" for one yesterday!!

    Your board looks great-I look forward to visiting it!

  5. I have seen this and really need to figure it out.

  6. oooo would love to have this to remember everything i put on my to do list!!! great idea... how does it work.. you download a freeware???

  7. I have an account there - like I need another way to spend time without actually really accomplishing anything ;-)
    I think my account name is janbin...


I am so grateful to all of you who take the time to leave a comment!
I will respond to your comment/questions in an email unless you have your email hidden. In that case, I will reply to your comment on my blog. Also, I apologize for having to block anonymous users - too much spam was coming through.

Grace and peace to all of you!

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