One down, one to go...

January 20, 2012

I am feeling the pressure to get two quilts done for my son's supporting teachers. One for his supervising teacher (We are part of a homeschool association. Her job is to that make sure we are one track with his education. She has been with us for his whole schooling career) and one for his piano teacher.

Last fall, I began working on one of them. I figured I had lots of time to get them both done before May, when he graduates. 

Change of plans...

He is going to do a senior recital (piano) as part of his honors program in March. I want to honor the two ladies that helped me educate my son and I could do that more easily at his recital. That means I need to get them done NOW!

One down! One to go!


  1. Oh, Amy, that is just beautiful! I'm sure there will be tears when the two quilts are presented! I know your son is very talented, and his piano music is just beautiful. Those teachers have a right to be proud, as do you! Hugs!

  2. Your quilt is just beautiful. I love the blue and the yellow together. What a LUCKY teacher.

  3. This is gorgeous Amy!!! What fabric range are you using in this quilt? ... It looks strangely familiar, lol! ... What a fantastic way to honor two women who have been such an integral part of your lives!

  4. My youngest son also graduates this year. Cool!

  5. Absolutly beautyful. What lucky teachers.
    And now, go for it. Yoe'll make it! :-)

  6. This quilt is georgous Amy! The color and the wheel love everything good work

  7. This is so beautiful your color choices...what a special gift for your son's teacher! TFS


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