Sew Sweet Bee, Swoon Sixteen and a Baby

May 3, 2015

I hope you are all enjoying Spring! Its been glorious here in Iowa and we are taking full advantage of it. We have put 1000 miles on the Harley already this season with many more to come. =) 

Nice weather, bike rides and working more hours has certainly cut into my sewing time, but there really is no excuse for being so late with my April Sew Sweet Bee block for Donna. I put it off because it looked hard. I shouldn't have worried. It went together like a dream. I hope you like it, Donna!! 

I was determined to not let Erin wait until June for her Sew Sweet Bee block, so I got right to it this afternoon. Erin asked for us to make our favorite block because she wants a sampler. That was an easy decision for me. Dresden are my all time favorite to make. =) I think it's cute. =) It makes me want to make more!! 

I have also been plugging away on my friend Rhonda's Swoon Sixteen (in my case, Swoon 20). The quilting has begin, but I ran out of thread, so it will have to sit for a while until I get back to it. 

One last note, and I admit to feeling pretty prideful, but when a family chooses to use a quilt I made for them for their new baby's photo shoot, I can help but have a big ol' grin on my face. =D This seriously made my day!!

Until next time, may the God of Glory be with you....


  1. Oh I love the tealy background. Is that grunge?

  2. The basket block is cute.
    The Swoon quilt is fabulous, love the grunge background. I think you can be really proud of the quilt and the fact that the family had had a photo taken with that cutie on it.

  3. Beautiful blocks and quilts. Little Clara looks so adorable on her quilt. Love the color squares you put together!!

  4. Clara, on her quilt, is adorable! Been missing you blogging.

  5. I am very worried about making the handle on the basket, I have never done curved seams before.

  6. Love your blocks! I admit to having a fondness for Dresdens too - and I really need to get my Scrappy Dresden done soon..... (Note to self - don't start another quilt until the Dresdens are done - OK?) LOL
    And now the Swoon - that is STUNNING done up on the teal / turquoise background!!!! Rhonda gets an A+ for her colour choices!

  7. Gorgeous work; worth waiting for! You make the best Dresdens, my friend :)

  8. I love that baby picture!

  9. Amy I love love my block thank you so much. You are so sweet.
    Erin's block is awesome.
    Sweet Clara on her gorgeous quilt. What great memories.

  10. That block is just gorgeous, Donna will love it...I'm swooning over your dresden and your swoon, so stinkin' lovely, and that baby on her quilt, wow!!!! What a fantastic picture!

  11. Beautiful sewing. I love baskets and Dresdens too.

    Little Clara is precious on her quilt. :)


  12. I love all your quilts...The Dresden is great, love the fabrics. The baby on her quilt is so very precious. You know the quilt is loved by her mom and will be loved by Clara.

  13. love the dresdan (also my favorite) and the swoon is beautiful as is that little one modeling the quilt. love them all!

  14. All your projects are beautiful and that Dresden makes me smile! How adorable is baby Clara and her sweet, sweet quilt?!!!

  15. What a cutie there.....I am getting me one....

    Love all of your projects.

  16. I have a sister-in-law named Clara, so I shared the link to this with her. Such a cute quilt. My favorite is the Dresden, though! Lovely fabrics as usual. :-)


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