North Shore ~ Minnesota

June 18, 2018

Earlier this month, we spent the weekend in Two Harbors, MN. Two of my favorite memories of the weekend was getting up at 4:45 am to watch the sunrise come up over Lake Superior. It was beautiful! And getting up around midnight to drive about 10 miles out of town to where there was very, very little light pollution so I could see the Milky Way for the first time. Simply breathtaking!! 

One of the days were there, we hiked at Gooseberry Falls State Park to see the waterfalls. 

And we logged a few miles on the Superior Hiking Trail. 

The weekend before we went, my son and his friends also visited the area to slackline at Palisade Head. And this is why I have lots and lots of gray hair!! 

We have a few more weekends getaways planned, as well as a vacation to spend a week in Colorado. I have never been, so I am very excited about that! 

Have a happy summer day!! 


  1. Blogger still hasn't fixed the comment notification issue. I hope they fix it soon!!

  2. Awesome pictures of your North Shore trip! As for Slacklining - I would have more than just grey hair. I'm scared of heights!! Even stepping onto the glass floor of the CN Tower in Toronto, took a LOT of courage for me! Enjoy your future weekend trips!

  3. These pictures are spectacular.
    Amy, I am so happy you got the heck out of town.
    I have been to Lake Superior at Presque Isle. I am just amazed at the sides of these lakes and just recently learned the geology, well some of it, on a Youtube binge I enjoyed while sewing: starting with The Nuclear Option about energy moving on to the collaboration and construction of the Concorde (I have seen this rocket take off from Dulles Airport which is spectacular, the ground shakes and it goes almost straight up) Then "Concordski" the disastrous Russian version, then on to the Edmund Fitzgerald and finally the Great Lakes, in a "drain the lakes" series.
    So, I am very impressed with these photos.
    Please tell your son to "stoppit" and "cut that out" I can see how this can produce grey hairs and that is not good. He should find another hobby, stat.
    It is very warm and humid here.
    I have not been to Colorado either.
    Over the years, I have developed a great dislike for travel adventures. I think my mind is just not at ease and I have a problem with hotels and food.
    Thankyou Amy for sharing your wonderful photographs and adventures. I like making images with stones too

  4. We visited Gooseberry back in 2013. Hubby hiked 65 miles of the Border Route trail (edge of MN and Canada) while I drove South and played with vintage machines (I can't hike, bad feet and legs). Lovely state.

  5. How gorgeous!!! But oh how cold that Lake is, lol. Those pics of your son are just SCARY! Have fun in Colorado!!!

  6. Great pics! I just watched a video on slacklining, you are entitled to extra grsy hairs. A dark park! Arent they awesome! I grew up in area like that so I love finding areas like that here.


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