Quilting Gone Wrong

July 7, 2018

For the last few days, I have been hard at work getting my Ombre Gems quilt all quilted. Here you can see I am almost done. I loved the texture and how it was quilting! 

Here it is all quilted up. I was thrilled with it! Loved the texture, loved how it looks. It quilted up beautifully....Or did it? 

This morning, I tackled squaring it up...That's where I realized I had a problem...A big, BIG problem!

The more I quilted it on the diagonal, the more off square the quilt was being pulled. You can see just how significant it is in the following pictures. 

If I do force the corners to be square and meet, you can see the twist that the quilt is forced into. 

Instead of crying over something that can't be fixed...okay, I admit it, I cried
... and I really don't think it can be fixed short of removing most of the quilting, even then there is only a hope it will relax back into shape, I am choosing to use this as a learning opportunity and remember to not quilt only in one diagonal direction so densely again. 

I am pretty nervous about washing it and having it shrink even more off square! 

Has this ever happened to you? Were you able to fix it? Please share!


  1. It is a beautiful quilt! If it is for a bed I don't think any 'imperfections' will be noticeable at all. It's beautiful!

  2. I really don't think this is any big deal! Only you will realize it is not squared. I also think the quilting looks amazing! I love how it turned out and you are making me want to make one of these ASAP. GORGEOUS!

  3. I think if you take it out of the washer and lay it on a white sheet on the grass to dry, you can manipulate it into a more square shape. (Then put another white sheet on to to protect it from the sun. It’s probab going to be something that you notice but others don’t. In any case, I’m sorry it happened.

  4. Oh, Amy - I really feel for you, but honestly - unless you will be hanging this on a wall, I don't think anyone will notice. I'm thinking of all the quilts I've made - though I do use the 'outer borders' to measure and trim off excess, I don't think I have ever really checked if the quilt truly is squared up. And believe me - once someone is wrapped up in it - no matter how squared up it is - it won't be then :)!!
    Love this quilt, and truly believe, yes it is a learning curve in quilting, but enjoy this beautiful creation!! It is gorgeous!

  5. I would say something snarky, like "oh, they are supposed to be square!!"...... but
    None of my quilts turn out perfect.
    I love this quilt. It is really stunning. I have a pile of quilt tops on the dining room table yet to be quilted. I am certain they will all end up asymetrical. oh well.
    Now I am getting so old, my brains even forget what lessons learned, hahaha
    Happy Sunday Amy

  6. Your quilt turned out gorgeous. No one will notice, unless you point it out to them. Or show them the back. I wonder if you blocked it if it would help. But I have only seen a few people do that.

  7. DON'T REMOVE THE QUILTING!!! The very thought of that makes me cringe! Your quilt is lovely, and like everyone has said, most quilts don't square up after they are finished. Many don't square up before they are quilted, lol! I'm just curious why there was so much play in it. Did you measure the quilt prior to quilting to see if it started out square? Theoretically, it should have been square. Did you quilt on a long arm or domestic machine? Did you quilt one direction and then come back and quilt the other, or all in the same direction? I'm just trying to figure out this puzzle, lol!

  8. It turned out great, thank you for sharing so I will know to keep this in mind.

  9. An amazingly beautiful quilt! You have a remarkable talent. The quilt is not perfect, but nothing is. God loves us in spite of our imperfection. Your quilt is a reminder of His love and grace every day. :)

    1. Thank you for your beautiful words!! I am ever so thankful for His grace...

  10. Sorry about the not squaring up, but, if you don't want to keep it, I think it's lovely, and I'd give it a wonderful home where it is appreciated. Just don't enter it in any competitions.

  11. I have a friend who, after washing, blocks her quilts like you would a knitted item. She anchors them to the carpet while still damp, pulling carefully to get the quilt as square as possible (using pins). If needed, you can put a sheet down first to help you find "square". Good luck-it is beautiful just as it is. And, it provided a very useful lesson to so many!

    1. I was hoping my expereince would help someone =) Thanks for stopping by!

  12. what a gorgeous quilt. lesson learned. enjoy the quilt and that is that. I cant tell you how many of mine are not perfect. NONE OF THEM ARE. but they still are loved and enjoyed and another lesson learned on the journey of quilting.

  13. What a beautiful quilt! I is fabulous in spite of the imperfections. Thank you so much for sending the fabric. I was away from home for several days and did not get the chance to message you. I will send a note.

  14. I never square up. I just cut to the edge of the blocks and call it good. I never notice they are not square while it is wrapped around me so I don't really care.
    It is an absolutely beautiful quilt and the quilting is lovely. Just bind it and be done.

  15. What a bummer, I hate when stuff like that happens! I always find the flaw in the fabric when I'm ironing after I'm done sewing lol.

  16. Well I agree with everyone else - you won't notice when you're wrapped up in it. It's a stunning quilt, and honestly I think the quirkiness just adds to its charm!

  17. Beautiful, Beautiful quilt! I'm so in love with it. I'm willing to Leg-Wrestle Cheryl of Teapots2Quilting for it. I'm so glad you posted your experience - I'm so sorry this happened to you - it's the sort of thing that makes me cry too. But it's still so lovely, and I agree it's still of great value. I have a king size quilt I was thinking of quilting with diagonals. Did you start in the middle, then quilt in a diagonal towards one edge? I suppose turning and going the opposite direction would have eliminated this problem? You have done lovely quilting. I think it's wonderful.

  18. it is absolutely beautiful. The piecing, the quilting, all of it. So many of us only show our "perfection" to the world. That is what leaves so many of us thinking we don't measure up to the rest of the world. Thank you for not only showing us your perfect parts, but the less perfect, but no less beautiful parts of you / your quilt! God bless!


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