Temperature Quilt - Progress

October 24, 2018

It's been a while since I have shared how my temperature quilt has been progressing. As you can see from the grass, it is a frosty morning here in Iowa and fall is in full swing. I fully expect the leaves to come tumbling out of the trees in full force in the next week or so. 

I love seeing the color changes in the quilt as the temperatures change in the seasons. If you look closely on the bottom row, the temperature stayed within 5 degrees so the high and low temperature for that day used the same color! 

You can find the other updates on this quilt here, here and here

 Since my faithful friend Clay was outside keeping watch on the deck on this beautiful fall morning, I couldn't resist snapping a picture of him. I fear this will be his last fall with us. He will be 15 in a few months, so my time with him is limited. I am grateful to have had him this long. He is a good dog...

Have a sweet day!! 

Free-Wheeling Single Girl - Progress

October 18, 2018

The Free-Wheeling Single Girl Sew Along is nearing the end. I am very thankful for Sewtopia, The Next Stitch and Denyse Schmidt for hosting this fun sew along because I don't know if I would ever attempt to make this quilt without their tips and support. They saved this amazing pattern from languishing in my stash.  
As I mentioned in an earlier post I chose to use mostly Denyse Schmidt fabrics with a bit of Moda Grunge and Cotton & Steel in the mix. 

For a while, I toyed with the idea of changing the background to Grunge Fig instead of Kona Snow. I like how it looks together, but I needed a second opinion.  The consensus was the Grunge Fig was too prominent and took the eye away from the rings and I really wanted the rings to shine. 

I let the blocks sit like this for a long time. I was very nervous about sewing those curves!! 

Some of the time I used glue to put the pieces together and other times I used the pinning method. My 2 cents. When using the glue method, my sewing was more accurate but took longer to put them together. Pinning them was faster, but I was less accurate because the fabric shifted, even with a lot of pins. In the end, I used the pin method more often. I knew that they were all going to be trimmed and I had 64 of these blocks to make with two curves to each block. It would have taken forever to use the glue method. The key to sewing curves is to take your time. They are not as hard to sew as I feared. 

I am glad I used Kona Snow. I like the traditional look. 😊

My next decision was what to use for the backing fabric. I loved the sheep in the Cotton & Steel Panorama line, so I bought half yard cuts of each color to audition which one I liked best. They all looked good! 

I gave hubby the choice, since this quilt will be on our bed eventually, and he chose the PINK! Yay! 

I have all 16 circles made, but there isn't room to lay them all out! Each circle is 22"! It's going to be a big one. I haven't decided how big to make the border. I do know I want it to be square so it can lay on the bed in any direction. Until I decide, I am not going to sew them together. Easier to store a pile of blocks instead of a large quilt top. 😄

Have a great fall weekend!! 

Turning Points Pillow - A Shop Sample

October 8, 2018

This weekend I made a pillow using this pattern. 😀 It's a paper pieced pattern, but very simple so don't let that intimidate you. 

I chose a charm pack of Grunge Stars for the triangles and a natural linen and cotton for the background. 

I messed up on the first quadrant by not reversing the colors. I forgot paper piecing turns things backward. Oh, well!😉 

Halfway done!

All quilted! 

All finished! The blog where the tutorial was shared on how to make a Quilted Zipper Pillow Cover no longer exists, but I had a copy that I placed on Dropbox. Let me know if the link works for you.

One of these days I'll share my progress on the Free Wheeling Single Girl quilt. Sewing curves is a first for me! 

What have you been working on? 

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