25 Patch Scrap Quilt

February 2, 2019

For the last six weeks, I haven't been in my sewing room hardly at all! Mostly because the new eating plan my husband and I implemented has taken up most of my time to research and learn how to cook differently. We have had to find a whole new repertoire of meals that we can prepare. Now that it is becoming more familiar, and since I didn't go to work this last week due to the crazy cold, I had time to spend in my neglected sewing room to see if I could find my long lost mojo...

I pulled out my box of 2 1/2" squares. I keep them sorted by color to make it easier to play with them at a moments notice. 

In no time I had I a pile of 25 patch blocks ready to go!

I decided to get out my larger boxes of scraps cut 2" strips and make a frame around each block. That eliminating the thinking it would take when pressing the 25 patches to get the seams to nest with one another. 

Here I have it all laid out with the fabric I chose to frame each block with. 

All done!! This was quick and easy. I wish I could say it made a huge dent in my scraps, but it didn't, but a little is better than none! 

The math...For those who may be interested.

25 patch block: 
25 - 2 1/2" squares.
 Sew together make one block unfinished at 10 1/2"

2 - 2" x 10 1/2" strips
2 -  2" x 13 1/2" strips 

Block will be 13 1/2" unfinished. 

It's always so rewarding to use up fabric scraps and end up with a cute quilt to gift to someone. It makes me want to pull out the larger precut squares of scraps I cut last year and make more scrappy simple patchwork quilts. 

Do you have a favorite go-to pattern to make use of your scraps? 


  1. So cute! When my scraps really pile up I find a quick way to use them is to make wonky log cabin blocks. I generally make them one color like your 25-patches. Sometimes I'll make a few just for some quick & easy sewing. Then once I have a stack of them I'll sew them into a top.

  2. What a great bright quilt! The recipient is sure to smile when they get it!
    I just stick all of my 2.5" squares together in a tub, but maybe I'll have to sort them by colour and give this quilt a try...

  3. Love the quilt! I have tons of scraps but have never kept up with them as far as having them ready-to-go to make something. I should do this. Good idea to frame too.

  4. What a cheerful quilt! i'm not very good at keeping my scraps in order, so it's really a challenge to make a scrap quilt of any kind. May with the inspiration from your quilt, I'll try to do better this year. ---"Love"

  5. I like this idea for the 2 1/2 inch squares....especially liking the matching frame to eliminate having to try to nest lots of seams !
    Your meal prep sounds like the scrambling our church members have been doing to adapt to the Daniel Fast. Definitely a different way of thinking and eating.

  6. Oh - how pretty! never thought to frame patchwork blocks. What a bright and cheery quilt! I have been looking for new ways to use up my scraps. It seems no sooner have I cleared a box - it fills up again. Mostly from trimming the backings after quilting is done. Well Winter will still be awhile :)! Thank you for this inspiration, Amy!

  7. I'm just now starting to use scraps. It takes so long to cut them up. Nice quilt top.

  8. What a fun quilt! And the perfect way to use you those 2.5 inch squares. I like your framework.

  9. WOW. Amy, this is so nice. I have a bazillion 2.5" squares. This would make a fun baby quilt? you think?
    Yes, I need to make one for Lauren, 9 months.
    And the other little, 4 months.
    I hope you are enjoying winter. Here all is well. Still breathing.❤️ thank you for the inspiration

  10. Oh I love this, Amy - as if the scrappy blocks weren’t gorgeous enough on their own, you add the matching sashing- fabulous xx

  11. Great way to use scraps and so colorful.

  12. Amy, don't know how else to contact you, but would like to know more detail about the quilting class using the walking foot that you're teaching next month

  13. This is a great way to use scraps. I want to try working on some scrap quilts as soon as I can get to my tubs and can start cutting squares. I like the idea of framing the blocks, thanks for taking the time to share the inspiration.

  14. I don't mean to be a Debbie downer but I am sure at night when the lights go out those left over scraps are making new scraps...just saying...but I do love what you have done and glad you are back in your sewing room.

  15. Cute! I have been trying to eat better too and I spend so much time cooking. This week I'm going to try cooking double recipes so I have lunches and maybe extra meals at the same time.

  16. I love it! Wish I had sewn enough to have scraps to make a scrap quilt. I’ve got to get productive and make a dent in my stash.

  17. Sew cute Amy!! I am cutting up some scraps now to make a scrappy quilt. My scraps seem to be growing as I am cutting them, like I am feeding the or something.
    Hope you are staying warm my dear.

  18. Que preciosa ha quedado!!!
    Que bonitas telas tenías y variadas, me gusta mucho el resultado.


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