Another snowy day...

February 12, 2019

Here in Iowa, we have been hit with snowstorm after snowstorm. Today, we are once again digging out from another 6" that fell overnight. The winds will be picking up, gusts of 45 MPH and temperatures are dropping. It's days like this I am thankful to be able to stay home! 

While being snowed in, I have been making simple patchwork baby quilts as part of my effort to clean up my stash and make baby quilts to donate to our local pregnancy center this year. Because the weather hasn't cooperated, I haven't taken pictures of them all. As I get them quilted I will get pictures and post them. 

I also went through my minky scrap stash and took the time to piece them together to make quilt backs for baby quilts. When I pieced these two, I knew exactly what fabric I wanted to use to make the top, and quickly started cutting and piecing. No overthinking allowed!! 

I got out the low volume Bonnie and Camille fabrics in my stash and cut some 3 1/2" squares to make a 45"x54" top. 

Because I loved it so much and I wanted to use it as my lap quilt right away, I basted it and got it quilted with simple cross-hatching. 

I have decided to make this the year of simple patchwork when it comes to my scraps. I love the simplicity, they are always cute, it takes no thought and they come together so quickly. 

 I am also thinking ahead to Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes for this year. I have made tote bags in the past, but since they take up larger cuts of fabric and I am getting low on those, I have been searching for ways to use up the fat quarters I have purchased over the years that have been sitting way too long. I am considering drawstring bags. Cute and functional! 

Do you have plans to use up your stash and scraps this year?

Until next time!  


  1. I love your idea. I really need to work down my stash. Much too much fabric and not enough time to make things.

  2. I too am tackling more of my stash this year! Just finished a purple colourway one for my oldest daughter. I definitely need to clear out some of those baskets :)! Your quilt is so lovely. Just shows what one can do with low-volume fabrics. I tend to overlook them.

  3. Your little quilt is very pretty. Glad you had fun with it. I saw the snow there on the news tonight; I hope you get some relief soon! Try to stay safe and warm! ---"Love"

  4. Such soft and pretty colours! Love the sweetness and simplicity of this one.

  5. This quilt is cute as can be. I am glad you can get some sewing done, you inspire me.
    I am trying to finish a quilt, that is beautiful, but I am sick to pieces of it. I made hexie flowers and machine sewed them onto diamonds. What an ordeal. So much fun but now I am just wanting to get it done. I am also thinking about getting back to simplicity. I have attempted... because I have been tempted, to make some large time consuming quilts. Now I am also looking at making much smaller quilts. Your snowy back yard looks pretty but I know it is cold. We have had snow, but also three days of cold cold rain. What a mess. Today we have sun. Enjoy February, and any sunny days you can gather up and savor.

  6. Gorgeous quilt. I have been using my stash much more lately than in the past. You had the snow and wind. We got an ice storm and then the wind.

  7. So far I've only used stash. I'm hoping I can continue that way.

  8. Drawstring bags are a great idea for Operation Christmas Child. We do the boxes at our church and I was thinking about what I might sew to add to the boxes. After I retire on May 1st I plan to think about projects like that. We have had more snow that usual for the Pacific Northwest and we are all ready for it to melt away. Your quilt is great.


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