Brooklyn's visit...

August 15, 2019

What a fun and busy summer!! Two days after we got home from Glacier, Brooklyn came to visit for 4 days. As promised, we spent some time at the sewing machine. Her favorite football team is the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and I just so happened to have some Buccaneer fabric in my stash. *wink* She decided to make a pillowcase. 

One thing I did not anticipate and was a challenge for me is Brooklyn is a lefty like her birth father! I had a terrible time helping her use the rotary cutter.

The finished product!! She did a fantastic job!

Holden came over every day to spend time with her, too. He was juggling while giving her tips on how to get up on the slackline. He makes me laugh! 

By the time her stay with us was over she was doing a great job getting up on the slackline and was beginning to take a step before she fell.  

Here is Holden showing all the grandgirls how it's done. He can walk all the way across. 

I need to get back in my sewing room and finish up the projects I started way too long ago. One of these days! 


  1. What lovely eyes Brooklyn has! I feel your pain regarding lefties as my husband and I are both right handed yet four out of our five children are lefties! Sports and craft instruction were very difficult for us. I gave up trying to help them with scissors and my efforts to teach them counted cross stitch, crocheting or knitting were impossible!

  2. It looks like such a fun visit for her. I can't imagine trying to walk that line!!!

    I would have been nervous with a left handed rotary student too!!

  3. She looks like she totally enjoyed her sewing time with you! The Monkey Boys would love to walk that, not so much. Looks fun!

  4. Wow I can’t get iver how much she has grown. Great pics of her sewing and slackline.

  5. Wow, Holden is amazing. Your grand girl, Brooklyn is beautiful
    I hear lefties are more ambidexrous (sp too lazy to look it up) than than us right handed people that can't do piddle with our left hand... well, I can, but you know. Yeah, my daughter is a lefty but she can use right hand tools, scissors I am so happy you had a fun time. I wish I was younger I would try that slack line thing.

  6. So awesome teaching her to sew! My mom would be so so happy!! She taught all of our kids at that age. I had no idea what a slack line was! What fun!! Glad you had an awesome time!!

  7. I am sew glad you got to spend some time with Brooklyn and y'all got to sew. Such precious memories.
    Oh my gosh how awesome that she is trying to do the a slack line.
    Love and HUgs

  8. Wow, has she grown up! I had left handed tendencies when I was little, but my father put everything on the right side, and I wound up using my right hand but, I can do lots of things with my left hand that other people can't do.

  9. A fantastic time of making memories together. How fantastic you just "happened" to the right fabric for her pillowcase. She looks very proud and pleased. Good job Grandma!

  10. She did a great job. It's good to see young people taking an interest in sewing.
    Holden is good. I can't even walk on flat ground. LOL


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