A new baby to love...

December 9, 2019

We received an early Christmas present yesterday!! 

Bennett Russell, born 3 weeks early, weighing in at 5 1/2 pounds.

I had the privilege to be there when he entered the world and to hear his first cry. 

We are smitten...


  1. Congratulations. What a blessing!

  2. What a special Christmas present! Take care, and enjoy! ---"Love"

  3. Such a sweet little bundle! Congratulations to all.

  4. So adorable and sweet! Our little one came 3 weeks early too, and needed some extra TLC and a few extra hospital visits, but is now growing and very interested in looking around. You enjoy, Amy - all those special milestones ahead, and lots of cuddling with him right now!

  5. You are truly blessed! He is so precious.

  6. Oh he's so beautiful!!!!! Welcome little Bennet!!!!!! And Merry Christmas to YOU!!!!

  7. Oh Amy, he looks so content. congratulations to all of you. Happy Birthday Bennet

  8. He is so sweet. How cool to be there when he was born.

  9. Congratulations Amy. He is sew precious. You are sew blessed to have been there.
    Love and Hugs

  10. What a cutie! I haven't met our new grandson yet (they live in Alaska).

  11. There is nothing like it in the whole world. What a precious one, Congrats!!!

  12. What a sweetheart! Love his red hair!

  13. Awww he's so cute! My co-worker just had TWINS at the same weight.


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