
November 29, 2019

I purchased Village by Miss Rosie's Quilt Co several years ago when there was a sew-along happening in the blogosphere. I didn't have time to join in, but I wanted to make one. Then other great quilt ideas jumped into the line and this one got pushed farther back. You know how it is...One of the bloggers I read (I can't remember who! *blush*) recently finished hers and it inspired me to get it out and get it done! 

These are the original charm packs of Bonnie and Camille I pulled from my stockpile for this project, however, when it came time to open them and mix them up, I couldn't make myself open the Scrumptious charm pack. It went back into my stash with the other two Scrumptious charm packs to be used for a project I haven't fully decided on yet. 

I replaced it with Little Snippets, instead. 

I like to chain piece. It makes piecing blocks so much quicker and you can save a lot of thread. I began with the roofs and then began construction (see what I did there? 😆) on the houses.  

Pretty little houses all in a row...

My BIG tip for this quilt. Pin or use Clover Wonder clips to stabilize the rows to each other before sewing them together. Even though I was very careful, some stretching happened and my rows were not going together well at all! I took them apart, measured to make sure they were all the same length, and they were, so I knew I had to pin or clip them together to keep them lined up correctly, which is what I should have done in the first place. I was being lazy and I paid for it. When I used the Clover clips, the rows went together perfectly with no issues. So pin, pin, pin or clip, clip, clip! 

It's a scrappy one!! Maybe a bit too scrappy? I would do some things differently next time. For example, for some of the houses, I would use the same fabric for the square above the door as the sides of the house to make it a little less scrappy. It is what it is. ☺️

 Now that Thanksgiving is over we will be decorating our home for Chrismas today and I need to get my Christmas quilt quilted and soon! 

Anyone going Black Friday shopping today??


  1. Hi Amy, No Black Friday for me! Like you staying warm and starting on a little Christmas decorations and sewing some also leftovers for dinner tonight on paper plates!

    Your house quilt looks great! Next time you might think about using Christmas fabric and make it somewhat smaller...that was a large project to quilt. It will be fun to display on railing or chair!

    Hug's, Carolyn

  2. I love this! It looks so pretty in those fabrics. I used to go Black Friday shopping every year with my friend. We'd get up at 5 a.m. and hit the stores, have breakfast, and later go to lunch. I have wonderful memories of those times. Now I stay in my pajamas and shop online. So much warmer!

  3. I love it!! I'm still hoarding scrumptious fabric too - one of my favorite lines. This quilt will look so lovely over your couch at Christmas time - enjoy!

  4. The only black Friday shopping I did was from home. The purchased presents are done. Now for getting the ones made. Cute quilt. I realized I have a tote full of Bonnie and Camille I have been using it, but obviously not quick enough.

  5. I bought this pattern at the same time as you, but never got to it. It's on my list to start (not necessarily finish) next year. I have a ton of novelty scraps I. I'm thinking about using for the doors.

  6. This quilt turned out really cute.I love all of the charm pack choices you used. I have some of those too. B&C have such happy designs. I just love this quilt!!! Well done. A+ for focusing too!!!
    I have not been sewing. I got stupid sick. I guess I should have seen it coming, I ran myself into the ground.
    Anyway, now I am taking gross antibiotics and getting slowly better.
    Today I am going to Walmart to get some household items and come home and rest and sew.
    I am also making a huge tree for my grandbabies out of felt.
    Whatever. .... keep busy, right
    I love you, Have a super happy day.

  7. Another cute quilt top. I don't shop on Black Friday. I'm off for a couple of days, so I'm enjoying staying home.

  8. All those charm packs really played well together! And what a village you've created! Very fun. I do like the scrappiness of it all :) Oh - no Black Friday shopping was done by me. Been there, done that, don't want to do it again, lol!

  9. Que quilt tan colorido y bonito te está quedando, precioso

  10. This is just a wonderful quilt top! I love chain piecing, also. I chuckled over your "construction" sentence.


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