Mr. Garmin

December 16, 2009

Yesterday Liz and I took a road trip to the big city to meet up with Brooklyn. Do you think she liked her Christmas present?

My hubby, being the sweetest man on earth, filled my car with gas and programed my destination in his new toy....a Garmin Nuvi. When he first purchased Mr. Jack Garmin, as I have come to affectionally call it, I thought it was silly, but I have since changed my mind. awesome!! I know how fast I am driving, my ETA, and where the closest fabric store is. All kinds of important things. Mr. Garmin is very smart. Mr. Garmin says he likes my van better than Russ' SUV. Just sayin'...I do have one small, teensy issue with Mr Garmin. When he gives me my directions, he tells me to turn left or right, but he doesn't clarify which of my lefts or rights he is talking about. Is it my left-left or my right-left or my right-right or my right-left?? Yes, I am on of those that gets my lefts and rights mixed up. I'm pretty hopeless in that department. Even so, Mr. Garmin got Liz and I to our destination and we had a wonderful time with Brooklyn and her family....


We did have one small, teeny, tiny incident at the mall. It's almost not worth mentioning, but I will. :o) It was potty break time. Liz and I were jibber-jabbering down the mall hallway on the way to the ladies room. We were admiring each other's newly flat ironed hair, thanks to a lovely young lady who was trying (and failed I might add) to persuade us to buy her steal-of-a-deal $99 ceramic flatiron. Into the doorway and around the corner we go, with me in the lead and suddenly I stop dead in my tracks. I take a look at where I am....My eyes pop outta my head and I twirl around to head the other way...quickly like...You know, so as not to look conspicuous, but it was too late...I lead Liz straight into the mens room!! How did I know I was in the mens room?? There was a poor older man using the facilities. We both fell into hysterics and laughed so hard at ourselves that I washed the "waterproof" mascara right off my lashes!! Our antics had gathered a crowd outside of the women's restroom....Okay, it was only one man, and not the one I interrupted in the mens room, but he was looking at us with a bemused expression on his face.  I have a feeling he knew about our faux pas...

I'm fully convinced that even Mr. Garmin couldn't have saved us from such an embarrassing and much needed time of laughter...

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