Pay it Forward ~ Day One

June 28, 2014

*This giveaway is now closed. A winner will be chosen shortly. Thank you all for sharing your stories! I was encouraged and touched by each and every one. *

In an effort to pay back the kindnesses that has been shown to me over the last year, I am having 5 giveaways. =) All fabrics in the giveaways are from my own personal stash.

Please check your settings!! If you are a "no-reply," there will be no way for me to contact you if you win and I will have to choose another winner. Erin @ Sew At Home Mummy has a great post on how to check your settings here.

You don't need to be a follower of my blog to participate, though I won't complain of you choose to be a follower of my blog, or Facebook or any other of my social medias. Links are found in my sidebar.  =) And, please, feel free to spread the word.  =)

Today I am offering a layer cake of Sherbet Pips by Aneela Hoey, along with six coordinating fat quarters and one scrap.

Today's giveaway is open all, that includes my international readers. =)

To enter,  leave a comment sharing a kindness that has been shown to you at some time in your life.

I will choose the winner on Tuesday afternoon and announce the winner on my blog.  =)

Have a happy weekend!!


  1. Two years ago - when our house sold - I went through a deep illness where a cancerous tumor was feared. Off of work - my voice gone - I slowly packed up the house.(This time really drew our family together). God's Grace....I will NEVER forget! When it came time to move - a family of six came forward and in 1 day we had 95 percent of the house moved - and made it into such an enjoyable day and time. We were just overwhelmed - how can we ever pay this forward? I pray I don't miss any of the opportunities God sends my way. (THANKFULLY my cancer diagnoses came back negative)

  2. When we were moving with a newborn and it was left to myself to pack the house and load it up by chance we had one person come help us move out entire life into our new house so I could focus solely on our daughter and making sure her stuff got taken care of ASAP. Two years later I still say thank you to him for helping when no one else could or would.

  3. When my 85 yr. old mom had cancer and had to undergo treatments and many other dr. visits, family members and friends all pitched in to help us with those visits and checking up on her at home.

    These are gorgeous! Thanks for the chance to win.

  4. When my husband passed away 1 year ago from a heart attack, my neighbor brought groceries to my house and my pastor's wife was there to see that things in my home ran smoothly. I am a very blessed person to have such wonderful support during this very tragic time in my life.

  5. Many years ago I was rushed to the hospital for an emergency gall bladder removal. Several of my neighbors saw the ambulance and called hubby a few days later to check when I was coming home. The day I came home there were frozen meals from neighbors to feed my family while I recuperated. I will never forget their kindness.

  6. A couple of years ago around Christmas time, the person in line in front of me at the drive thru at McDonalds paid for my order. I was really touched by that.

  7. Many years ago, I was a stay at home mom and my husband lost his job. Someone new of our struggle and dropped off a box of groceries at our front door while we were not home. It was a blessing to us.

  8. Lucky for me I'm most of the time who's helping and don't need hlep for myself.
    But a few years ago my mum and my dad went through some serious health problems (my dad was hit by a car and my mum need surgery to remove a cyst that otherwise would turn into cancer) and a lot of people called and visit during this time. I was really touched by that.

  9. When standing outside the door to the I.C.U. To see my husband who had had 5 bypass surgery, holding the hands of my 7 year old twin boys, a lady I have never seen before or since, walked up to me and gave me a long, comforting hug. I felt her strength and love and still think about her kindness today.

  10. When I broke my right wrist two years ago, the ladies from our church brought over meals for two weeks. It was such a help and a mind reliever for the rest of my family. What a blessing to be a part of such a sweet fellowship.

  11. Earlier this year, suffering a bout of depression and anxiety, while I was in the doctor's office, she gave me a big hug. I felt so much better because she was so understanding.


  12. A few years ago there was a terrible snowstorm here leaving 4 foot+ drifts in front of my garage door, down half of my driveway and the walkway leading to my front door. My neighbor's dad came by and removed the snow from her driveway and walkway. After he finished her's, he came and did mine! I offered to pay him, but he refused. I ended up buying him a gift certificate to a local restaurant. With all the work he did to clear my property of snow, I had do do something.

  13. When our son died in 2008 the kindness showed to our family was incredible - people I hardly knew cooked meals for us, and we were supported until we got back on our feet

  14. During a particularly low time in my life, my friend Krista made a booklet about all the things that make me special. It was beautiful.

  15. I received a very special quilt from my small quilt group after my 26 year old son passed away from a cancerous brain tumor.
    Thanks for the chance to win the pretty fabric.

  16. Rosemary B here:
    Every one of these stories is incredible.
    I was touched by all them. God bless all of you.
    My youngest daughter is an angel. She is married now to a sweet man. they are so young. Well, she still always calls me and emails every day to tell me she loves me.

    That pile of fabric is beautiful.

  17. I need to post really quick before I'm tempted to read a bunch more of these posts and then sit here bellerin'!--although that may be all the water we'd get in our desert land.
    Almost 12 years ago when my daughter was sick and had to be hospitalized, I found that there were groups of people all over the country praying for her healing. She healed, and I'm still in awe of those many prayers and the wonderful people who faithfully offered them up.

  18. When I was young, my dad was in the military and our family could only afford to send my dad to see his father when he unexpectedly got sick. My dad made it to see his dad just before he passed. A total stranger gave my dad his trench coat which he wore to the funeral and then on the plane ride home. All us kids didnt recognize him when he got off the plane. I can remember my mother having the coat cleaned and then mailing it back across the country. That act of kindness really stayed with me.

    What beautiful fabric, thanks for the chance to win.

  19. Twelve years ago, my husband and I separated. He moved out and left me with all the bills. I knew we would be divorcing, but I hadn't told my family yet. One day, as I wondered how I would be able to pay the bills, my door bell rang. I answered the door to see my brother standing there. He handed me $200 cash. He explained that he had been praying and felt that I really needed some help. I then told him about my husband leaving and how I was worried about paying all the bills. It was a Godsend. It helped immensely, and since then, I've been able to pay it forward to others in need.
    Thanks so much for the chance to win. Sherbet Pips is the line I chose to make my first quilt. I still love it!

  20. In 1970 I was 18 and was hospitalized for six months. I was so ill that it was a question if I would even live. It was quite different back then, the rooms were a horrid green and everything had to be sterile. There was no life, happiness or hope in any of the rooms.

    Christmas was coming and I was depressed beyond words. My parents, brother and sister couldn't cheer me up. My wonderful boss was the one who finally snapped me out of it. You have to understand that he was terrified of hospitals as his father had spent months in the hospital and died of cancer. He was so terrified that he had tried to visit me on several occasions and even passed out on one attempt but couldn't bring himself to come through the front door.

    Three days before Christmas he showed up with a live three foot tree, decorations, and presents from the entire staff. He spent the next hour decorating the tree and hanging garland and lights around the room. I don't know how he managed to convince the hospital to allow him to do this but he did. No only was I so thankful for the tree and holiday decorations but also for his putting his fears aside and bringing me such a heartfelt gift. I can still remember his white knuckles as he gripped the foot of my bed and yet he put his fear aside to bring me a little joy.

    The amazing thing is that I left the hospital within three weeks and returned to the job he had held for me the next month.

  21. I am so grateful to be married to the guy who always shows others an act of kindness. I come from a family of 6, the second from the oldest. He has helped all my siblings at one point or another and never asks for anything in return...only that they in turn, help out someone less fortunate. He, of course, wants no recognition, says he only does it to make me happy. And happy I am!

  22. Amy we returned from a trip to Alaska last nite. Hubby planned every bit of it in celebration of our 25 th anniversary

  23. I was sick as a dog with a stomach bug earlier this year and my 16 year old went out and bought me ginger ale and brought it to my bedside. I was feeling so awful, that such a small act of unexpected kindness brought me to tears. Sometimes it's the little things.

  24. I had my daughter very young; it was a surprise to me and my parents. They have helped me raise her and give her everything she could ever want. I am so truly grateful for them. They have NEVER once called me a bad name or said anything meaner that: "You should have thought of that before" and never in front of her. And I'll have to admit I DID deserve that line a few times. It was never out of meanness just to be mean, I was usually not keeping up my end of the "deal". Which was go to college and work, or drop out and find a full time job. Skipping school and sleeping while they were working wasn't an option :)I started sewing right when A Walk in the Woods came out, and that fabric drew me to quilting. I regret that I only have 2 charm pack of it (STILL hoarding!). I won one Pips charm in a SMS giveaway once. So I have the perfect home if I'm lucky enough for these guys to come live with me! That's just one of the many nice things people have done for me. Thanks so much for such a lovely giveaway!!


  25. I wish I could tell you of all the kindnesses I've experienced but I'd be here all day if I tried that. :) My husband and I are what I call part-time missionaries. We are away from home anywhere from six weeks to four months at a time. I have a dear neighbor who gets my mail every day, waters my flowers, does a weekly walk through to make sure all is well inside my home and has a hot meal ready for us when we get home. If that was a one time thing it would be nice, but we go a couple of times a year and have for five years. She does it every single time. Precious friend...a Godly woman who has blessed our lives. blessings, marlene

  26. Just the other day I was going through the drive thru at a national coffee chain. The past two days had been very tough at work. One day was over 12 hours and the next day while not as long I was just exhausted from the day before. Anyway I got to the window only to find that the lady in front of me had paid for my coffee. That just made me feel so good. So of course I had to pay it forward and pay for the drinks in the car behind me.

  27. Several years ago my mom was in the hospital. My sister and I had to stay with her 24/7 and members of my mom's church brought lunch to us everyday. The lunches were very thoughtfully prepared and I learned so much from their kindness. Such a generous giveaway! Thank you :)

  28. Last year when I was having health issues, a few online friends organized and made a beautiful Bright Hopes Block quilt and one day a surprise package arrived ... my beautiful quilt with messages of love and support from all my wonderful quilty friends! I have made blocks and helped with other quilts of this kind over the years but somehow I never expected that I would ever be the recipient of one. It has been a great comfort to me.

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful fabric and for the chance to win. Now that we are older and on a fixed budget I have been on a stash diet and squishies in the mail of any kind are a blessing. May all you give return to you tenfold ... :) Pat

  29. I just took my best friend to the airport to meet her family for a vacation. She is also my "Sister in Heart" And her 3 sisters have also become my "Sisters". I am so blessed to have found these wonderful ladies.....I have 2 brothers, 3 sons and 4 grandsons so having these wonderful ladies in my life is so uplifting!!

  30. Several years ago I had a broken ankle that kept me non-weight bearing for 12+ weeks. My co-workers brought meals to my home when I first got out of the hospital. I ended up in a wheel chair because I had a bad knee on my good leg. When I returned to work my husband drove me and picked me up everyday and my co-workers made sure that I had lunch and could get in and our of the building and the bathroom. They even rearranged my cubical so that I could get my wheel chair into it easily. When I got out of the wheel chair I still had long weeks of recovery and therapy. We have all moved to other positions in the company but that group has a special place in my heart and prayers.

  31. Would love to be part of the Giveaway! When I was pregnant with my last child, my son, the doctors warned me of a possible condition he may have for life. To discover that churches and people I didn't even know were praying for me, was a deeply touching and humbling experience that I will never forget. God spared my son that disability, and I thank Him.

  32. I saw a link to me on your side bar. Thanks so much, Amy.

  33. Many years ago, I went with my husband for a job interview. It was an hour and a half drive and we took my bestfriend's 9 month old son. I was his daycare-mommy and was six months along with our first.

    While hubby interviewed, I put the baby in the stroller and walked the Main Street, visiting shops. Men tipped their hats as we passed and went out of their way to get doors to me. People made eye contact and were very friendly. Those small kindnesses have stayed with me for almost 30 years. It really tipped the balance on accepting the job and moving away from family.

    I pray I never miss the cues the Lord sends me to be of help to someone when they need it.

    Such uplifting stories in the comments! Thank you all for sharing!

  34. When I moved from australia to the usa, i didn't know anyone at all. When my company transferred me from New York to Virginia with only a few weeks notice, a colleague i didn't even know, offered to let me stay with her at her apartment. Our 2 week trial turned into 2 years, ending when she got married! her kindness really helped me find my feet!

  35. I fell down a few years ago, and hit my head on the pavement. A young woman walked by, and saw me bleeding from my scalp... she walked me all the way to the emergency room, despite the fact that it was out of her way, she didn't know me, and I had told her I worked at the hospital (I was wearing scrubs), so I could just head back to work myself- I was grateful for her kindness, though!

  36. My husband had knee replacement surgery in December. Our 70-plus year old neighbor came over every time it snowed and helped me scoop the driveway.

  37. We were missionaries in Russia for 10 years, and at the end of that time we returned suddenly to the USA because of health problems. Our friends in Russia packed up our apartment and moved everything into storage for us, and found a home for our cat, and friends and family here did so much to help us through everything. I am so utterly grateful for so many people who touched our lives at that time.

  38. My husband does things for me all the time. This year he took me to Tuscon at the end of May so I could see Humming birds. I love these birds. Then he came home and built me a wonderful bird feeder station back in the woods, just like the one he saw there. I can't get him to do the dishes but he makes up for it in so many other ways.

  39. Some years ago I was suffering depression as I lost my job, my lovely friends come home to take me to a day out, just a groupo of friends, talking, laughing and eating. That day I decide that I will win my battle against depression and take my life back.

  40. When my youngest was born early and had to stay in the hospital after I was released, I got many offers from friends for rides to/from the hospital because I had a C-section and couldn't drive. What a blessing! svonfumetti at yahoo dot com

  41. Once when I was having a really hard time financially, I found $40 under the floormat of my car. My family all denied it and I never found out who did it but it really helped me.


  42. Last winter, I caught a really awful cold. The husband was neck deep in law school studies, so I was on my own. I really just wanted some orange juice, but the idea of loading five kids in the car and going to the store was just too much. I said as much on Facebook. Not an hour later, a sweet friend from my church knocked on my door and handed me the biggest jug of juice I'd ever seen. It was awesome!

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. My MIL has shown me and my husband a lot of kindness. We had to move in with her 6 years ago, when we first moved to PA. She pays many of the bills and we help out when we have money. We will be moving out in a few months. Thanks to her help I have graduated college and started a new job. Hard to repay that.

  45. When my husband left me and our three children, for a girl 10 years younger than him, a church opened a house on their property for us to live in, as long as we needed- they paid all the bills and would help with anything we might need but couldn't afford. It took me about 1 1/2 years to get on my feet. My sister and I live together now, to help raise each other's kids - we each have 3 (5 boys, 1 girl; ages 6,7,8,9,10, and 11). Now I do my best to help any of the single mothers who have stayed there after I moved out.

  46. My husband and I moved our young family out of the country (due to business) and to Switzerland. It was a exciting and adventurous move, but SO far away from friends and family. Throughout the years away, My dearest friend sent me numerous care packages full of things from home for me and my kids. She even gave my husband a letter to read on my "first hard day" away from everyone. What a blessing she is to my family! Thanks! Amy

  47. Last Friday while on vacation (and well over 500 miles from home) our truck broke down! Three 'perfect strangers' stopped to help and offer possible solutions. One even called a mechanic friend several times in an attempt to diagnose the issue over the phone. (grin) In the end we had to call a tow truck, but still, I'm thankful for those folks who stopped to lend a hand (and lighten the mood!)

  48. A few years ago, my hubby had major surgery in February. While he was recuperating, we had a snowstorm bringing about 6 inches of snow. We have an incredibly long driveway and I had no idea how I would shovel it by myself. I was so tired and on the verge of tears,when I looked up and my neighbor was shoveling from the other end. What a blessing he was to me.

  49. I missed your note. gccmom(at)aol(dot)com

  50. When I moved here to Amarillo some 20+ years ago it was the 15 of December. I got a job pretty quickly but with Christmas just a few weeks away I was worried about my kids Christmas. As I figured Chrismas morning came with no sign of Christmas. The kids were not awake when the doorbell rang and on my doorstep was a huge black trash bag full of gifts with there names on them.
    They had even included two for me. Now every Christmas I take a child or two from the Salvation Army tree at the mall. My way of make Christmas brighter for someone else.

  51. I can't think of one specific kindness, but I have a coworker who can always seem to tell when I'm feeling down and she manages to find small blessings in everything. I always appreciate her and the way she lifts me up.

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