100 blocks

November 30, 2010

I bought my copy of Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks magazine last week and drooled over all the great talent found inside of the pages. 

Have you gotten your copy yet?

It didn't take me long to decide which block I wanted to make first.

Here is my version and the beginning of a quilt for my hubby. 

I was thrilled when I found the kayak fabric for a $1 a yard! Yes, a dollar a yard of 60" wide fabric! The ladies at the store thought I was nuts when I squealed with delight. I'm used to being looked at like I am crazy. I don't mind. =)  My husband loves kayaking thus the squeals. 

My squeals, not his. 

My husband does not squeal. 

I thought I had better make that perfectly clear. {ahem}

I'd love to have it done by Christmas. We'll see!


  1. Having met Russ only once, I would have to agree that I could not imagine Russ squealing, but I can see (in my mind) his smile when you squeal! I loved your block, and I know Russ will love his quilt when you are finished.

    Take care of that finger!

  2. That's one of my favorite blocks, too! Thank you for showing your block. It turned out so nicely! Who knows? You might get a little tiny manly kind of squeal over his new quilt.

  3. Oh what a cute block. Love the kayak fabric. I've never seen any like that. How are you girl??

  4. Fabric at a $1 is a good thing. I would squeal too. Chris

  5. awesome! and the kayak fabric is perfect..it was meant to be. Do you flickr? I have a group for all Spun sugar quilt inspired projects and you could post the block there!http://www.flickr.com/groups/1354569@N24/

  6. It's so fun to find something so perfect for only a dollar! Have fun!

  7. Love the polka dots!
    Brenda...the Farmer's Dotter

  8. I just came home with my copy of the magazine! I had a quick peek at my daughter's copy Tues., and I've been chomping at the bit to get my own copy ever since - now I have to quit talking and go drool over quilt blocks!


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