Quick projects

November 26, 2010

Zippered bags to give to the ladies on my husband's side of the family. Pattern can be found on May Your Bobbin Always Be Full. The one thing I changed in the pattern was I  zig-zag stitched the edges to make them more neat. If you have a serger, I would use it for this project. This is an easy and quick project. Do not be afraid of the zippers. They aren't hard to do at all! I've only done one zippered project before these. I am a total novice and I found them to be easy to do. 

At 7:30 on Wednesday night, I decided I wanted to make something for my sister-in-law as a "Thank you" for hosting us at her home for Thanksgiving dinner. Four hours later, I had this cute table runner all finished. It looked beautiful on her table. 


I've been in the mood to do small projects. Do you have any small projects in the works for Christmas gift giving time?  I'd love to hear your ideas. =)


  1. ohhhhhhh just wonderful!!!!!

  2. You are such a sweetie. Your projects look wonderful, and I know they were appreciated. Blessings!


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