Layer Cake Quilt Along Block #5

December 28, 2010

I messed this one up a couple of times before I got it right. 


  1. Well, it's looking pretty good right now!

  2. You are a speedy little thing today, aren't you? Your block is wonderful! Love your fussy cut center.
    If I may ask, what part of the block assembly gave you trouble? I haven't started mine, and would appreciate any warning of possible pitfalls!

  3. I have the instructions printed, but am trying to finish up some UFO's first, so I might get to it later this week... and maybe not!
    Were the angles hard to get "just right"?

  4. Your block is wonderful! I'm doing the Layer Cake Quilt-Along, too, but guess what? I haven't even started the first block yet, and last time around I never failed to have my Jelly Roll Block finished in time! Oh well, I'll get down to business the first of the year! Found your blog from someone's sidebar, and I liked the name Quilting Sheep and hopped over. Now that I'm here, I love that you're a redeemed sheep! PTL! :)

  5. Fun block, I am still struggling to finish my quilt along with the jelly roll one. I had a hard time putting away the project for two weens and then pulling it back out again for then next one...


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