Vacation time

May 19, 2011

We will be leaving on vacation very soon. Packing, getting caught up on laundry, keeping the house picked up, has been the order of my days instead of sewing. 

I have been assured I will see a quilt store or two on our travels to the Badlands and the beautiful Black Hills. =)

See you when we get back! 


  1. Have a lovely time! Looks like a great trip!

  2. Have a fun, fun time away, Amy! I've never seen the Badlands but would love to! i'll love to hear all about it when you get back.

  3. Hope you have a wonderful trip! We'll be here, waiting to hear all about it....

  4. Enjoy your vacation to the Hills. I would suggest a shop at The Sewing Center/Fabric City. It's right off I-90, Exit 58. Lots to look at. I've worked there part time for the past 4 years. If you're going up by Mt. Rushmore, Quilt Corral at Mistletoe Ranch is another great quilt shop stop. It's near Hill City. Have a great time!


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