A finish, a do-over and a baby gift....

June 16, 2011

My honey is on his annual kayaking trip, so I have been very busy in my sewing room. 

A) to keep me busy to pass the time 


B) to keep the depression/anxiety away. 

Before I had quilting in my life, I would movie binge. I must say, it's more fun to have something to show for my time. =)

Ok...Show and Tell time. I made this 40" x 32" quilt  top over a year ago using Lady Harvatine's pattern.
The backing was a wild curtain I found at Goodwill a couple of weeks ago. It was perfect for this bright quilt. I have more of it left, so it will pop up in another project eventually. 

Baby Myrna's quilt. She is several weeks old, so I need to get it to her! 

Love the sweet and sassy girls. 

My do-over and I am ashamed to say, I didn't take before pictures. This was one of my very first quilts. The binding was terrible and I wasn't thrilled with the quilting. I removed all the stitching and redid it with simple straight lines. At the last second, I decided to add some applique flowers. 

Now I really like it! 


  1. Amy those are wonderful quilts :) Great work and even better ... you can listen to the movies while you quilt ... fun both ways! Enjoy your stitching time!!

  2. Your so talented. They're all beautiful!

  3. All of your quilts are cute and cheerful! Love the applique on the last quilt!

  4. I love the flowers you added. The quilts are all cute. Isn't it fun to find quilty stuff at Goodwill!?! I used 2 pkgs of Heat-n-Bond today for an applique block exchange that I got at Goodwill.

  5. how have i never seen your blog before? it's great!
    love those quilts. i get anxiety if i'm alone. seriously, it's bad. quilting keeps me sane most days :) my hubby works nights so it's hard. and i live in a big scary city LOL.glad i found u.

  6. Hi Amy ~ I'm not sure I would have been thinking about a quilt backing at Goodwill if I'd seen the wild curtains! But you did! It's a great choice and perfect for your quilt! Yay! Great job on your finishes.

  7. Your quilts are just fun and wonderful!

  8. Love, love, love the appliqued flowers!!

  9. Those are all as cute as can be!! Love the flowers appliqued on the last one too. It adds just the right 'Ooooh' to it. :D

  10. Gorgeous quilt parade! I especially love theappliqued flowers!

  11. What a parade! I love all of them!
    Also your very first one! It's so cute!
    The sassy girls-quilt! Awesome, beautyful and so funny :-)



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