Is this a fail? Edit: On the right track?

July 13, 2011

Disclaimer....My feelings will not be hurt one bit. 

Do you think this quilt is a fail? Why or why not?


I really appreciated all the feedback here and on Facebook. =) 

Here is where it stands for now. I am trying to use only what is in my stash.

What do you think now??


  1. If the grey was lighter I think it would work for me. I think it is just too heavy for the lightness of the blocks. That is my opinion only :) It looks good and if you quilted it with colored thread in some cool stitches in the grey that might take care of it...

  2. The quilt is lovely... the grey makes it a little dull.. BUT what if you were to add one more border of the brighter pink? That may hold it together better...? Maybe?

  3. Hi, Amy~

    I think I agree with the ladies about the grey and perhaps another border.

    Nothing you do is EVER a fail! :> )


  4. Add a pink or green or orange in shades in blks and that should help it pop back out. Beautiful work !!!!!!

  5. I agree with the sashing but to be honest, it is a lovely quilt, just needs a little pop....

  6. I like all of the bright border ideas too...

  7. YES, YES, YES....

    Amazing.....soooo pretty!!!!

  8. Amy, I didn't pop over in time to give you feedback, but I REALLY like the newer version instead of the gray. It just fits better with the fabric. I love the quilt!

  9. I didn't think there was anything terribly wrong with the first, but I love the new version.

  10. You've done soooo right!
    The new version looks perfect!


  11. I think the green is so much prettier, but green is my favorite color. As for only using your stash (and 3 cheers for that!!) you did a beautiful job.

  12. Wow what a difference with changing to the green. I'm usually a gray girl, but that green is really lovely! LOVE IT!

  13. Perfect! This does it for sure!!!

  14. It takes a lot of courage to look at a quilt top, say that's not working and then unpick all those seams to get back to the original blocks. But your pictures show just what a difference sashing and border fabrics can make to a quilt.

    I really like the second version.

  15. oh, the green is so nice! It lightens it up and makes it happy :)

  16. I like the green version. It catches my eye and makes me happy.

  17. LOL, I'm working with those colors for a challenge quilt. I like them! I'm doing scrappy blocks too!


  18. YOU GOT IT! That green just makes it POP!

    Beautiful job, my friend......beautiful job! :> )


  19. Hey Amy!
    I haven't been online lately, so I missed your original post. It doesn't matter though, because you did exactly what I would have suggested...
    I especially love the polka-dotted fabric!

  20. Luv the new borders you did great !!!

  21. I love the one with the green sashing/border, but I don't like the one with the gray sashing/border at all. And I don't think putting a pink 2nd border will help that one. If it was me - I'd start being BFF's with my seam ripper and get that gray off there and replace it with pink (would have said green, but your other one has green).

  22. I just found your blog and am jumping in to say I love the green. I thought the gray was much too dark and distracted from the individual blocks.

  23. Thanks, Lori. I'm so glad I ripped out the gray and redid it.

    Sandy, I thought so, too, and it was good to get feed back that supported my thoughts. Sometimes I don't trust myself.

  24. Amy! I really love your Sunkissed remnants and blocks ... I really favor the green over the gray and am glad you're 'stashin' it :) Yay you and can't wait to see how you quilt this beauty :) Good job!!

  25. Oh so cute. I love the bright colors!


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