
June 24, 2013

I have been commissioned to make a very special little girl some accessories for her 6th birthday. Yes, my darling Brooklyn is turning 6 next month! From her Grandma Loretta, she is getting an American Girl doll. =) Brooklyn's mommy bought her an Ikea doll bed to go with the new doll and she asked me if I would make a mattress and a quilt for the bed. She requested I use some of the same fabric I used for Brooklyn's quilt for the doll's quilt. Of course I will and I did...All it needs is binding. I need to get some supplies so I can start making mattress. 

My other commissioned work was for a gal at church. She and her family are moving back to their home country Mexico to be missionaries. =) She asked if I would make her sisters new make up bags for her to take to them for gifts and told me to do whatever I wanted. So I did! I made fabric out of scraps so they are all the same, and yet, they aren't. I hope they like them. =)

I am thankful to be able to make things for others. =)


  1. So cute Amy, I know everyone will love their gift!

  2. The doll quilt is so cute and will look sweet on that doll bed. :-) The make up bags are neat. Gives me ideas. :-)

  3. That quilt is too cute and I am sure they will love those bags.

  4. What a precious quilt. That is one spoiled doll! :) The quilts you have made for Brooklyn & her doll will be such neat momentos for Brooklyn to cherish throughout her life. And maybe they will even get passed down to her daughter! :)

    The bags are wonderful and will be loved by their recipients.

  5. The little doll quilt is just precious. Brooklyn is going to be so happy. That is so sweet of you to make bags for your friend.

  6. Amy, I wish I could sew like you!!! everything is beautiful!

  7. Amy - How awesome that you can create such wonderful
    gifts for others. Any 6 year old girl would be drooling
    at the doll quilt! And the make up bags are gorgeous!

  8. Darling little quilt! I Love it!....

  9. Some little girl's getting a treasure. I really like the large rectangle at the top of her quilt. It's a neat touch.


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