For my very own....

June 3, 2013

 Yesterday, dear friends came a knockin' on my door bearing gifts....

I have dreamed of owning a Singer 401a...

Michelle and Louie @ Life with Lou made my dream come true...

I can't thank you enough, Michelle and Louie, for this wonderful gift....Nor for the precious gift of your friendship to Russ and me. We love you both....


  1. Oh that is awesome. You lucky girl. I love your new machine.

  2. Wow you have wonderful friends. Very generous too!

  3. And it looks so pretty in your sewing room, too! I hope you have many happy hours using your new machine! Now I need to go on a search to find one for me! Would you share why you have been yearning for this model?

  4. Oh how cool! Michelle and Louie are real sweeties! Have fun with your new machine.

  5. I'm SEW happy you like it. I loved finding one for you as much as you loved receiving it! Have fun, sweetie!

  6. What wonderful friends! It looks like it's in wonderful condition!

  7. Oh, congratulations. You will sew-enjoy using that machine! Cindy at Stitches in time sells bases for them--of various hardwoods.
    I do find that for piecing, 14/90 size needles work best with this machine.
    I'm sure yo will so enjoy using this!

  8. What a wonderful gift from two special friends!!!

  9. Oh so, so cute Amy!!! Have fun!! xo Heather

  10. What a wonderful gift!!! I could use a nice gift like that~ My precious 1938 machine needs repaired, and I need to find someone to fix it. My other cheap singer sews like a mac truck and not very well. Enjoy your new machine~ ♥♥♥

  11. Great gift. I love my old girls to piece with. You are a very blessed lady. Enjoy.

  12. What a great ol' gal! And such special friends, too!
    Happy stitching!

  13. Amy,
    Eeeeek! I love it! I have a 401a that I just love. It is a workhorse. She can sew through anything. I just love it. I usually piece with my Featherweight and quilt qith my 401a. I am sure you will love her. Such sweet friends!
    Have fun and enjoy.

  14. Woo hoo, get you, Amy!! Enjoy m'dear :)

  15. Oh my goodness, Amy, this is the machine that my mom had when she taught me to sew. She sold it to someone when we left Venezuela in 1972. The lady still had it 20 years later. You are so blessed to have this. Enjoy every stitch.

  16. What a great gift! It's look like it was very well taken care of. Have fun!

  17. Oh you lucky girl! She's so pretty. I'm so glad you like her. I'm sticking to my new computerized machine -but I so love the looks of this one.

  18. Wow! What a blessing. And what great friends. :-) That's a beauty!


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