Painting is done!

October 29, 2013

The painting is done! 



This is the best wall we have to hang quilts on. Making the decision on how to hang them up has been the hardest part of this process. I think I have settled on the curtain rods with the clips like I am using for the window curtains. ~ Speaking of which, I am not sold on the curtains that I am using at this time, but they are better than nothing. ~ I am going to run out and look for a rod today. =)

What I am super excited about are my new pillows! 

This one is my favorite! I used the house and tree pattern from Lori Holt's new book Quilty Fun. Isn't it a happy pillow? =) 

I decided to not make the throw pillows matchy matchy. I plan on making several covers for each of them so I can change them out as the whim strikes or even with the seasons. 

I have a few more pillows to make new covers for. =) But first, I want to get a quilt on the wall! 

Have a happy Tuesday, everyone!!


  1. Change is a lot of work, but it really pays off when it is all done. The pillows are really nice. I need to get some things finished to be able to play with the extras. Chris

  2. It looks great!! I do love your pillow covers, I am on a mission to do that too, although I am not as fast as you!!

  3. Did you know? those 3M picture hanging strips work great for hanging quilts. I have a huge appliqué Halloween quilt I hang with 6 strips. just pull the tabs off the wall when you want to take it down. No damage to wall or quilt.

  4. You go girl!! I ran for 3 weeks, seriously from Sc to here and there!:) so! I AM going to make my Doll Quilt today as I run to S Indiana next week!! inspire me!

  5. pillow doesn't take long and are lovely and brighten your room, love your's

  6. Amy your home beautiful! The things you have made are a wonderful addition to your decor. Love the paint color as well.

  7. Can't get over the difference! What a beautiful room..almost makes me want to take out my paintbrushes...

  8. Seriously, someday I am going to write a "Things I have in Common With Amy" post! Your curtains = my girls duvet covers :)

    Hope all is well with you, your room looks great!

  9. Love so newly painted room!!! I like light and airy much better than dark walls. i know you'll love it. Beautiful accents, too! You've been busy!

  10. That should be "love YOUR newly painted room."

  11. I can't get over how much BIGGER the room looks with the new paint...and I just love your new pillows!

  12. Wow!! Thats really an upgrade for your room, isn't it?
    So bright and happy! Love it.

    Your pillows are lovely. I like the last most. It matches perfectly with your couch.

    My greetings to the dog Willow ;-) and thanks for your lovely and sweet mail.

  13. Wow love the room! Sweet pillows. Love how they turned out.

  14. The new paint job really brightens up the room and the pillows add color! Great job.

  15. Wow you really brightened up that space. That house pillow...I NEED it!

  16. Oh, that looks so nice!! :-) What an improvement. The pillows are such a nice pop or color too. So pretty.

    Just a thought about the curtains/valances: Maybe you could make some out of one of the fabrics that is common to some of the quilt projects you're putting in the room, maybe a polka dot or something a little subdued so that it doesn't take away from the gorgeous quilt I know you're going to hang on that wall. :-)

  17. Looks great! Have fun hanging the quilt. Cute pillows, too.

  18. Ooh, how pretty!! They are all nice! I love the triangle pillow!

  19. Gorgeous pillows, Amy! They look wonderful in the newly painted room. You're all set now for a cozy winter.

  20. It's looking good! Love the pillows and the pile of quilts!


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