You know you are sick...

May 18, 2014

...when you are too sick to sew!! That would be me. Thursday night I got hit with something that knocked me off my feet for the last several days. To top it off, I got a raging migraine last night. I am praying that I don't get a rebound migraine tonight. I am so thankful that I got sick after vacation and not during!!

Before the nasties came to visit, I was on a roll with the Aviatrix Medallion... The center of this quilt was way beyond my comfort zone and a very real challenge to get it put together. Lots of unsewing went on before I had it all figured out. 

After such a challenging start, I chose to do the next two borders, since they were simple. Border 3 is more challenging. Not hard, just lots of pieces, so I am saving it for last. 

These blocks are border 5. I really love the simplicity of them! I would love to make quilt using these two blocks someday. =)

Just before I got sick, I was working on border 6, the butterfly blocks. I do believe I feel well enough to turn on the machine and get back to work. At least for a little while. =)

Happy Sunday, everyone!!


  1. Glad you're feeling better. I was just thinking a day or two ago that you hadn't posted in a while, I thought maybe you were having a sewing marathon. Looking forward to seeing the medallion quilt finish, great colors!

  2. So sorry to hear that you've been sick - but happy to hear that you're past the worst of it!
    I absolutely LOVE your progress so far - the center is AMAZING! and your fabrics are so bright and cheerful!

  3. WOW! That is an awesome star. You did a great job. I am so sorry you have not been feeling well.

  4. Rosemary B here:
    Well, I have not been around in a long time. I need to actually sub to your blog :-(
    So sorry you got slammed with a bug. I hope you start perking up right now and continue on that path!

    I have been soooo busy. I am taking care of my parents, so spending my time in blogville has greatly diminished.

    I adore your project. the colors are beautiful and Wowie it is just amazing. Just stunning.
    Take it slow getting back to work.
    Love, Rm

  5. You are doing so well on the Medallion!!! The star looks great and I love your fabric choices:) Sorry you are sick, and I hope you feel better soon : )

  6. Oh, something sure seems to be going around. I hope I don't get it! Get better soon!

    As always, your quilt blocks look wonderful!

  7. Oh So Beautiful. You can't even tell there was any un-sewing. If I have to un-sew at all it looks horrible.

  8. I hope you feel better soon! I could never do that star. I'm loving the borders too. I have never made a quilt like that before.

  9. I love your Aviatrix! Now, I am stuck on mine at the butterfly row. I will be glad to see your butterflies when you are well enough to post them!!! Hugs!

  10. Love your color choices! Looking good :)

  11. Your Work is absolutly awsome! All Blocks so neat and tidy.
    To look at these pic's makes me think about my last blocks and i know i have to do a lot more practising :-))

    Hope the nasties are gone by now.

  12. Okay gosh, that quilt is beautiful! I love all the colors you chose :)

  13. Hope you are feeling better today. That quilt is great so far, fun and bright.

  14. I love the colors in your medallion quilt! I hope you are feeling better.

  15. Glad you are feeling better. Love the fabric you have for the background of your star. For not feeling well you sure got a lot accomplished. Lovely as always.

  16. Your colorful fabrics brightened my day! I love how your medallion is looking so far. I hope you're back to perfect health!
    Julie @ The Crafty Quilter

  17. Your colors and design are gorgeous! Creative Quilting Bliss...

  18. Your Aviatrix Quilt is stunning! Keep it going but get your rest too. ;-)

  19. im sorry you have been feeling bad.

    i love this medallion quilt you are doing. the colors are so pretty

  20. It might be out of your comfort zone but it sure is beautiful! Feel better soon....blessings, marlene

  21. What a beautiful quilt, Amy! I hope you feel better soon, and avoid any rebounds - those are the pits!

  22. So pretty! You sure are productive.
    Glad you are feeling better.

  23. G O R G E O U S .... Love your fabric choices... Hope your headache did go...ain't fun at all having...


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