Celebrating Birthdays

July 13, 2014

Russ and our granddaughter, Brooklyn, have birthdays a couple of days apart, so it was celebration time this weekend. =) 

Brooklyn is seven years old!! She can ride her bike with no training wheels now. =) She has only crashed into a parked car once. lol!

When she grows up, she wants to be a vet and work at a zoo. 

Meerkats are her very favorite animal. =)

 We had a super fun weekend with our girl!!


  1. What a cutie! Happy Birthday!!

  2. happy birthday!! playmobil is a favorite at our house. i just love all the tiny detailed pieces

  3. Happy Birthday to both of them!
    Looks like your granddaughter has had a lot of fun :-)

  4. Happy birthday to both! Your granddaughter is such a cutie pie ! Looks a fun day.

  5. Isn't she adorable!!!! And I love that 3rd pic, it looks like the hubcap from the car is a crown on her head!!! And Amy.....a HUGE congratulations on your dream job, I'm so very happy for you!!!

  6. Happy Birthday to Brooklyn and your hubby. Brooklyn is just a few weeks older than my Oldest grandson.

  7. What a cutie pie Brooklyn is! I love Meerkats too! They were always my daughters favorite at the Zoo.

  8. Rosemary B here:
    She is adorable, and beautiful!
    6 is a fun age.
    I like Playmobil too.
    Lizzie learned to ride her bike by riding down our driveway and crashing into the neighbor's bushes.
    Lizzie did not like training wheels, so we had her do it her way....
    What sweet photos you shared

  9. Sweet birthday wishes to them both!! She is a cutie!!! xo Heather


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