Swoon Sixteen Finish

June 9, 2015

Last weekend, Russ and I took a road trip to deliver the Swoon 16. She loved it!! That's always a relief when you are making something for someone, isn't it? =) 

There isn't any scraps left over. It all got used up. =)

The All Iowa Shop Hop is happening now, so my work hours are a bit mixed up. No complaints there! Its fun meeting new customers who are finding our shop for the first time. 

When I haven't been at work, I have been slowly getting some deep cleaning done around the house and cleaning up some gardens that are too over grown. Not fun, but it feels good to see an area all spiffed up. 

And, of course, I am working on projects. The Moda Modern Building Blocks quilt is in process of being quilted. You can see the whole quilt top here

This is the most quilt intensive top I have ever done. I tend to be in a hurry to get them done and I can get lazy and talk myself out of doing a lot of quilting. I am forcing myself to take as long as it needs to take to get it done. I must say, I am enjoying the process. I need to remember that next time I am tempted to be lazy.  I really need to learn to free motion quilt. It would open up the quilting ideas a great deal. Again, my character flaw of lazy is in play here. *sigh*

Have a very happy Tuesday, friends!! 


  1. Love your Swoon. You have a beautiful blog.

  2. Lo primero felicitarte por la elección de las telas, unos colores muy acertados, en conjunto un trabajo muy conseguido

  3. What neat colors. This was a nice finish. Stay cool today suppose to be the hottest so far this season. Chris

  4. Great Swoon! I have seven yards of fabric I bought at a store closing sale that I would love to make into a swoon - or, or, or.... I cannot make up my mind!!! Keep up the good work on the quilting. :)

  5. Beautiful Swoon Sixteen Quilt. Love the Background Fabric you used in it and love the Backing! I'll have to remember to be more artistic with mine in future. No, you are not lazy - probably just impatient - like me, because you have the next quilt mapped out and ready to start when you are still finishing the previous one - right ;)?

  6. I love your quilt, it turned out great!

  7. Oh Amy how could she not love it - it's just beautiful!! I really, really love the colors. Your quilting on the Moda quilt is stunning - I'm lazy too, but I also have no desire to free-motion quilt, lol. I sure love looking at it when someone else does it though!

  8. I am swooning over your swoon. beautiful!

  9. I so love your Swoon quilt, it turned out beautifully. Oh my gosh your quilting is awesome. I am to chicken for free arm it.
    Hope you are having a great week.

  10. Gorgeous quilt. Love the qutimg on the Modern Buding blocks.

  11. I love your Swoon quilt. That is one quilt on my to do list and seeing yours makes me want to start now. I will hold back and wait until a few things are finished first.

  12. Love your swoon quilt! Looks like you have been very productive and not lazy at all!


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