Dogs in Sweaters

July 19, 2017

Something I rarely do is buy a kit, but when I saw this quilt hanging up in a local quilt shop, I had to have that exact same one. Seriously, it's so awesome!! 

Those glasses!!! 

 When it is all finished, it will go to a baby boy. I will have to make it again! 

Size: 53" x 63"

 photo 2015_sig_zpsfk5a9zt3.png


  1. Love it! I bought that pattern a couple weeks ago with my younger brother in mind. He's always had a thing for 'wiener dogs' and I couldn't resist those pups wearing glasses. {grin} I just got back from a week away in Ankeny on the campus of FBBC for our annual CBM Family Conference. I am pretty sure our trek along I-80 took me very close to where you hail from ---- was sorry I didn't have more time to explore the area and check out Cotton Creek Mill. Would've been nice to meet the lady behind the blog. {grin} I'll try to have my ducks lined up better next time!

  2. O Amy I love this quilt. I have a friend that has that type of dog and I have wanted to make it for her. Do you mind telling me what the pattern is my dear.

  3. Very cute design. I want to learn how to make that too.

    Cath Brookes
    Must see Fishing Lodge Alaska Information

  4. Super cute, Amy!! This one is on my to-do list, and I'm slowly collecting little 'sweater' fabrics for it. Love this!

  5. Very cute. Love the fabric in the sweaters. So fun.

  6. I like this quilt. What a fun bunch of Dachshunden (that is plural German for Dachshunds)
    I totally agree with Cheryls Teapots ^^ see if you can make a sheep one. I bet you could.
    Stay cool and comfy, Amy. I am trying to keep going, just not get stuck beneath an avalanche. 😀🎈💕

  7. That is too stinkin' cute!!!! Yes those glasses!

  8. Did you use flannels for your dog sweaters?

  9. I got this to make for my niece. love it. so so fun


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