And one more added!!
First, the two that are finished...
This one was made with my far too large stash of Simplicity by 3 Sisters that I collected years ago. I am determined to get it all sewn up and used!! If anyone loves this fabric and would like some, please let me know!!
I also have busted most of my Pam Kitty Morning stash and got this Perfect Ten quilt all quilted up and off my to-do list.
I chose to do a variation of my free-form wavy lines by adding a second free-form wavy line on top of another to create a look like a streamer or a ribbon.
I like how it looks!
Now for the one that got added to the to-do list!!
I spent most of Saturday trimming up the Ombre Gems blocks and got them pieced into a quilt top! I am very happy with how it turned out!! It's far from perfect, but much better than I feared.
This quilt was a good growing experience for me. I used fabric I was not comfortable with, stuck to a quilt-along schedule (ie: didn't rush to finish) and made a top with blocks placed on point. It's good for me to make a quilt top that is a challenge every once in a while. It's a confidence builder, when it turns out good in the end, that is. *wink*
Until next time!!