No Name Scrappy quilt

November 5, 2018

I have been spending my time getting the tops I basted this past spring and summer quilted. I don't like to have too many quilt tops sitting around and I am the same way about having too many (more than 5) tops basted and waiting to be quilted. This is the last one I had pre-basted this last spring. Unfortutuantly, now that the weather has turned cooler, the ability to use basting spray outside to baste the quilt tops that are in line to be basted has passed. They will either wait until spring and summer to get basted, or I will baste them in the house. Not my favorite thing to do, but it is what it is...

Here is what I am calling my No Name Scrappy quilt. She deserves a name so feel free to spam me with name ideas!! 

I made it with the 2 1/2" squares in my Bonnie and Camille scrap bags. Earlier this year, I went through all my scraps and precut them to size. When I was cutting my B&C fabrics, I knew I had to make something with them ASAP and that's how this quilt was born. 

Some of the square in a square blocks are made with 4 patches and others are 4 1/2" squares. It finishes up at 64" x 64". A nice lap size...

I quilted it in a spiral square on point. I started it with a flower-like design in the pink square then started the square spiral from there. 

 While I was outside getting pictures of the quilt, I couldn't resist snapping a picture of the last two flowers that are hanging on...For now! 

Until next time!! 


  1. A lovely cheerful quilt! Sorry, I'm not good at coming up with names, but it is a pretty one.

  2. Scrappy Stars! I spray baste in the house, on my dining room table. I think it depends on which spray baste you are using. Mine doesn't smell, and I have an old folding cardboard sewing mat that I put down, to protect the table from excess spray.

  3. Rocket Stars comes to my mind. It looks great!

  4. I dont name my quilts. But yours is pretty fantastic!

  5. Pretty!

    Springboard ideas: (Had more but post deleted)


    Written in the Stars

    To the Point


    Diamond in the Sky

    Open Road


    Count Your Blessings


    Amy's Stars

    Best wishes for name choosing! Excited to see what you choose!

    1. You have great idea!! I was calling it Diamond Stars, but that didn't sound right to me. Diamond in the Sky is perfect!! Thank you!!

    2. Yes! I love your blog! And am a sister sheep in Jesus! Happy Quilting! <3

  6. Gorgeous quilt from your scraps. Love your quilting what a great idea.

  7. Love stars from scraps quilt. Thank you for sharing your talents. I, also, want to thank you for posting your Two Ways to Live slideshow. I share your joy in Jesus Christ's redeeming gift and try each day to live as He would want and the result is a happy heart, soul, and life. Blessings to you!

  8. Diamonds in the Sky sounds nice
    I love this quilt

  9. This is a lovely quilt beautifully quilting no matter its name. Happy Stitching!

  10. Amy - I too am not the best at names, but each time I look at this absolutely lovely quilt - I think of the name 'Starlight'! Beautiful twinkly fabric stars that light up this quilt :)!

  11. What a beautifully scrappy quilt - and I LOVE how you quilted it!
    (I also spray baste in the house with Quilt Basting Spray by June Tailor - I buy it at Michaels. I haven't detected an odour when I use it!)


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