Cute fonts!

January 9, 2010

Have you been to The Poppies Blog? You simply must go and see all the darling children, who just happen to have Down Syndrome, being showcased there. It's one of my favorite blogs to visit.

While I was visiting yesterday, I got curious as to how she got the cute fonts for her blog titles and sidebar titles to show up there. I knew I didn't have her font in my font book, so I knew there had to be a trick. I did a right click to read her page source (Yes, I am one of those geeks who likes to read code and try to decipher it). I couldn't figure it out. Not to give up so easily, I went to Google and ran a search using  "fancy fonts blog post title" as the parameters.  First hit landed me at Cutesify with a link to one of Kevin and Amanda's sites with the detailed instructions on how to  make cute fonts show up on your blog post titles and sidebar titles. Woot!

Fan of! Free Fonts. Recipes. Scrapbooking. Photography. Blog Design. Tutorials. Giveaway. Everything you're into!

Now, it looks complicated and I was totally intimidated at first, however I really, really wanted cute fonts on my blog, so I took several deep breaths and dove on in. Take it slow, read carefully and you can do the same thing for your blog, too.

Have fun!

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