Block 4 ~ Block-A-Palooza

February 3, 2011

So far, this one is my favorite. I love pinwheels..


  1. It's a fun beautiful one! I started cutting mine out this morning as soon as it was posted, but I've been at the library all day using fast speed (free pizza day at the library helped make my decision!) so haven't finished it yet. This one looks easier than the last flying geese one! Good job on yours!

  2. Oh that's adorable Amy. What is the name of that line of fabric?

  3. Rolling rolling rolling along. You are making great progress. It is really cute. Chris

  4. so pretty! I love the fabrics :)

  5. I'm really liking your blocks, but this is one challenge I'm going to have to sit out - I've got 2 or 3 projects on the "get these done NOW!" list, and I can't justify buying more fabric at this time, plus the time I'll need. I'm going to live vicariously through your posts!


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