Tulips: The big picture

April 13, 2011

Of course there are things I would have done differently, but for the most part, I like it. 

Now to decide what to do for the border and then make the binding.


  1. Very pretty. And another quilt with a yellow focus color. I've been seeing a lot of yellow lately. Must be in the Spring Fever :)

  2. Love it!! :-)
    I'm not prof to tell something about the border. But i'm sure that you will think of something absoluty georgeous!


  3. I love it, especially the pinwheels at the stems.

  4. this is beautiful...i think you two are getting on just great!!!

  5. I do believe you have made friends with Tipsy. GREAT JOB!

  6. I wondered what the blocks looked like - I had only glimpses of them from the past few days... I love the quilt! A breath of spring - and I'm SO ready for it!
    The few ripply spots from the batting made me think of eyelet ruffles! That would be border and binding in one.... Just sayin'....!


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