Good intentions...Or biting off more than I can chew.

April 27, 2011

I intended to do some hand quilting with the perle thread...

Really! I did!

 However, the size of the quilt, {90 x 70} has me overwhelmed. 

Of course, I reserve the right to change my mind...



  1. I think that your quilt is absolutely lovely. The cheerful colors are just so perfect for springtime.

    I'll be glad when I can slow down a bit and get more quilting done again.

  2. this is absolutely is everything a quilt should be

  3. It's great, and FINISHED! That's the best part, no wait, how beautiful a finish it is might be the best part. I like the final border, too, Amy. Now tell me, did you use your longarm at all in its quilting? How's that coming for you? Thinking about you,

  4. All Bright and cheery. Looks like you worked hard on it. Chris

  5. it looks lovely :) I'd avoid the handwork, so I'm not going to say anything about YOUR avoiding it :)

  6. I absolutely LOVE it!! Just gorgeous!! Couldn't get any better.

  7. It's your quilt, and you have every right to change your mind about how to quilt it... and besides, done is better than perfect! (although it looks perfect too!)

  8. What a wonderful quilt! I loooove it.

  9. AMY! I love it! It's perfect! I love the red - so striking! And the green background! I can't stop thinking about it. Kudos, You did an amazing job here.

  10. Love seeing your quilt. An ispriation to me since I just started my own Dresden plate quilt. thanks so
    much for coming by my blog.


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