A Mary Engelbreit Room

December 13, 2012

Introducing the Mary Engelbreit room I mentioned yesterday. I believe it is the best room of Madilyn's whole house. Yes,  it even tops her craft basement, and that is saying a lot. =) I might even go as far as to say it is the best room in the whole town of Marion. It is...Never mind...Lets just look at the pictures, shall we? =)

Would I sound greedy if I said I want it A.L.L? 

This table is her newest find....L.O.V.E.

This cupboard came from her mom's house. W.A.N.T!

She has pretty details everywhere...

This strawberry pie was my contribution to the gift exchange last year. I though it was hideous and it ended up being the coveted gift of the night. It was stolen several times before Madilyn got it. I must say, it does look perfectly darling in her room. =) 

Her twin sister gifted her with four chairs, all painted differently and in Mary Engelbreit style. I wish I had better pictures of them to show you. They are just D.A.R.L.I.N.G! 

My goal for her hostess gift for next year is something for her room. =) 

I hope you enjoyed the tour. =) 


  1. Wow! I always loved the Mary Engelbreit classroom stuff so much I thought maybe I should be an elementary teacher just so I could look at it all day, lol. Now that I teach (at home) I don't have anything (other than two children's books) mary Engelbreit? Strange, lol!

    I should probably go to bed now but I took a nap (! - and feel much happier) and ate loads of white chocolate & peppermint pretzels and am WIDE awake. Lol, Aargh!

  2. What a great room!! I love the chairs!


  3. What a fun room! Thank you for showing us.

  4. Thanks for sharing! Just love the ME stuff.

  5. Thanks for the tour. I can see why you love that room. :)

  6. Such a sweet room. I loved the cherries on the wall, especially. I so wish Mary would publish her magazine again. Thanks for sharing more photos of your fun night.
    blessings, jill

  7. Perfection for sure....I have a few ME items that would fit perfect in this room that I am selling...I would be happy to check with her first, I have some lovely tins and such! If you think she would be interest my email is sanjos333@gmail.com.

  8. Oh my - I think it's the best room ever, except for Mary's house!!!! I could move in right now. Tell her thanks for letting you share, I'm in love~!!!!

  9. Fantastic room....you will have to pass along to her these comments!!!


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