3 down...

August 27, 2013

...lots more to go. =)


  1. I have two quilt tops almost done doing EPP. I need to get borders and connecting colors. This is a nice pickup work to do. Chris

  2. looking very pretty! Keep going, and have fun.

  3. Pretty, pretty!! Have fun! xo Heather

  4. Just the sweetest and loveliest little hexie diamonds! I like that your centers are yellow gingham checks. I found some scraps of Liberty lawn prints and have enough of each one to make these diamonds. Not sure if I have the patience to add the white hexies or to fake it by just appliqueing them to a white background. Keep us posted. Love seeing your work.

  5. you keep inspiring me!!! I am so afraid of these??!!

    labels are from Etsy..https://www.etsy.com/shop/inkedpapers

    she is good with working with you on design etc..


  6. They're beautiful! I love the cheerful yellow centers. This is going to be a gorgeous quilt. A family heirloom for generations to come! :)

  7. Very very nice!!....sweet is not the word!!....Inspirational!

  8. these are so pretty!!! how are you doing?

    I have been so absent as of late. Hubby came home, right away we moved, and now we are trying to get settled and get accustomed to kids starting school(not homeschool) and hubby getting back into his studies for his PhD. Phew, that feels like a mouth full.


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