Alone Yet Not Alone

January 26, 2014

Beautiful song sung by Joni Eareckson Tada.  May it be an encouragement to you all today...

My praise for this day is how God has shown us He tenderly loves and cares of us. Our furnace died yesterday and it needs to be replaced. I put the word out on Facebook and God's people came flying out of the woodwork to offer us space heaters and a place to sleep if needed. Our home is toasty warm and will stay that way until next week when the new furnace is back in place. 

Our hearts are warmed by the love and care of Almighty God...


  1. Praise the Lord! I am happy to hear you are warm and toasty.

  2. Beautiful, Amy ... thank you so much for sharing! Glad to hear you are so blessed with friends to help keep you warm!!

  3. Thank you I needed this song today, I've been feeling pretty lonely and missing my friends since I moved. On another note, do you know what movie the scenes in her video were taken from?

  4. Hugs Amy. So happy you are toasty and warm. God is very good!

  5. He knows His sheep, Amy. I'm glad you are warm, hope your furnace is fixed soon, take care :)

  6. God is good to His children, blessings to those who reached out His hand of love to you!

  7. God IS good! Whenever I wonder how we will get through the month financially, God always provides enough to hang on a little longer. And isn't it wonderful how many good and generous people are out there, just waiting to help someone in need? It warms my heart...and yours

  8. How very blessed you are to have so many people willing to help. Keep warm and remember to always be thankful.

  9. Amy that is such a beautiful song and music. Thank you so much for sharing. I am so glad that you have some heaters to keep you warm. You know if I lived closer you would be welcome to stay with us. Hey, do I hear road trip? The light is always on my dear.

  10. Amy, I was so surprised to see the title of your post. Last year in an attempt to get my son to enjoy reading I found the book "Alone but Not Alone." I was so impressed by this upper elementary aged story with the message based on this old hymn. My son and daughter both loved it, and I have read most of the story to my fourth grade class at school. We have been checking online to see when the movie comes out so that we can purchase it. So glad to see Tada singing the hymn. I always wondered what the song sounded like. Beautiful!!

  11. Not a good time to lose your furnace. Glad space heaters were available for you. God provides, don't forget that. I saw this video last night (after it was dropped from the Academy Awards). Great song by a lovely lady.

  12. Amy: How are you and the family doing keeping warm? Many prayers for you all.

  13. A wonderful encouragement today, Amy! He is my shield...


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