First Quilt of 2014...The beginning

January 4, 2014

Mitchell has been waiting patiently for over a year for me to make him a quilt. I couldn't come up with how I wanted to make it, so I kept putting it off. The other day he told me he wanted his quilt to be heavy, like the denim rag quilt I made when I first started quilting. Mitchell has Sensory Processing Disorder, so the deep pressure of weight is calming for him. That gave me the idea on what I wanted to do and I went to town....

Las year I bought two fat quarter bundles of Fossil Fern fabric at Craftsy when they went on sale at a deep discount. Yay! 

Flying Geese anyone? =) I made them the super easy way using one seam. These went together super fast!! There are a lot of tutorials on how to make them on line, but the one I followed was the instructions from The Crafty Quilter. She also has a great chart for different sizes, as well. Yay for someone else doing the math for me!

Because I am using denim for this quilt, I made my seam allowances at ½ inch and pressed them open to minimize bulk. 

Since this last picture, I have made the quilt bigger and personalized it for Mitchell, but I will share after I get the quilting done. That starts today! 

Once thing about denim quilts, they are heavy and my shoulders were feeling it this morning. Ouch! Anything for my boy, right? =)


  1. WOW Amy! Don't start the year off by being easy on yourself, hey?! What a great idea - he's going to love his Mum even more for making this :)

  2. Yep, meeting our loved ones' needs.....that's why we make them ourselves !

    That is going to be one gorgeous quilt !

  3. Your denim quilt is wonderful! Whenever I have a bad pain, moaning, tossing and turning night I will sleep in the guest room so my poor hubby can get some sleep before the early AM alarm. The quilt on the quest room bed is the twin size denim quilt I made DS when he was a freshman in college. It is too small for the queen sized bed, but BOY is it warm...and I, too, love the weight! It makes me feel all snug and protected!

  4. That is going to be wonderful for Mitchell! Larry's all time favorite quilt I made was a denim one. I like the way you chose to make the geese, too, seeing how any fabric is a challenge to hold up to the weight of denim, you doubled the batik. Good choice! Blessings ~:-}pokey

  5. The denim quilt looks terrific. The pops of color with the flying geese are great.

  6. Very Cool! and very appropriate with the storm that has hit this winter....again!!....

  7. There is nothing a mama won't do for her son! Your an awesome mama to make flying geese. (Can you tell I don't like to make flying geese?) :-)

  8. Looking really good! I love the mix of the bright geese and the denim. He's going to treasure it!

  9. I love the bright pops of color the geese add. My nephew has these issues and I never thought about making a denim quilt for him, thanks for the inspiration!

  10. I love the bright pops of color the geese add. My nephew has these issues and I never thought about making a denim quilt for him, thanks for the inspiration!

  11. That looks just gorgeous with the denim!

  12. The flying geese quilt turned out nice. Good job. Glad he got what he wanted (nice and heavy).


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