All Iowa Shop Hop Hopping

June 14, 2014

Russ and I took off on the motorcycle yesterday to do some shop hopping for the All Iowa Shop Hop. We visited quilt shops we didn't know existed!! 

The ladies got such a kick out of Russ marching into the shops with his Moda bag carrying the shop hop passport and the fabric charms that are handed out at each shop. He can really  play things up big. He would walk in and announce, "I am a man on a mission and I need to have my passport stamped!" At one point, I looked over and he was helping a gal pick out fabric for a project! Yes, this is my manly man, a hunter, motorcycle riding, gun loving guy with cowboy boots and chaps on playing with fabric. He also bought himself a project to work on. =)

Of course, a little bit of fabric made it's way home and into my stash. =)

Time to get my passport ready. I want to visit my local quilt shops today. =)

Have a happy weekend!


  1. Amy, they all have a feminine side. Mine has opinions also. Their Mother's taught them well. Chris

  2. Don't you just love them too death!!! For loving us and sharing what we love !!!

  3. Awesome! Sounds like something my hubby would do. :-)

  4. What a hubby...great fabric too!!

  5. Very nice stashig! I love that sweet baby deer fabric.

  6. What fun!! Love all your sweet new fabrics!! xo Heather

  7. :-) Funny :-)
    That reminds me of our Trip to London. Of course i visited a Yarnshop. I was chatting with the owner as my husband steped in... And all the women "oooh Hallo" with all eyes on my hubby. Haha, you should have seen his face. I think he felt rather uncomfortable and was glad we left shortly after that.

  8. How fun! And what a good sport Russ is; he's a keeper. :) Do tell what that green print with the lambs is. It's adorable!!

  9. That sounds like fun. My hubby would do something like that too. He is such a big help when i am quilting at times.

  10. How fun! I wish I could get my husband to go with me!

  11. I love Shop Hops! So wonderful your Handsome Husband is sharing in your fun!

    You picked some darling fabrics! Many a projects have been inspired by my Shop Hops stops!

  12. Oh what fun. Sounds like Russ is having just as much fun as you are.
    Enjoy your day shop hopping my dear.

  13. My hubby doesn't go to quilt shops with me very often, but, he'll gladly stop if he sees one, just in case I need something. He's great a picking out projects for me, and cool tools, too. All my guys will help me pick out fabrics for Quilts of Valor quilts, too. If it's for QoV, hubby will let me buy as much as I want.

  14. Isn't Russ a dear?! Gorgeous fabrics. Lovely to read about you having fun :)


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