Christmas 2014

December 30, 2014

I can finally share a finish now that Christmas is over and the gift has been received. Brooklyn commissioned me to make her other grandpa a quilt for Christmas. Apparently grandpa steals grandma's quilt frequently and she thought he needed one of his own. I wholeheartedly agreed! I had not made a quilt solely out of batiks before, so this was a fun project for me. Batiks are a dream to sew with! 

I used a Moda flannel for the back and hand dyed wool for the appliqué. The red heart bled a bit after it was washed, but not too horribly. (whew!)

Since I am sharing gifts, I may as well share them all. No worries, there isn't much to show, since our Christmas gift, our Harley Tri-Glide,  came early last summer. =)

Russ needed a satchel to transport his laptop. I love this satchel so much!! I may have to borrow it sometimes! 

Russ gifted me with this cone thread stand to use with my feather weight and other vintage machines. 

My mother-in-love always gives us kids the gift of cash. I usually buy fabric or something for my sewing room with her gift, but this year I wanted to do something different, so I ordered an Erin Condren Life Planner. I am so excited for it to arrive!!  I love my iPhone and use it for keeping dates and schedules, but I find I really need to be able to physically write things down and see it for me to remember. Now that I'm working part time, I need to do better with keeping organized and getting things done. I am hoping this will be the ticket. To go along with my new life planner, I took a trip to Hobby Lobby and bought some stickers, wash tape and pens. 

This will be my last post of 2014, so I want to take the time to thank all of you for your support, your comments, and your friendship. =)

I'll see you again in 2015!! 

Have a happy day!


  1. So Sweet Dear Friend.....Sister in Jesus....You are an Inspiration!!!

  2. I love that quilt. Looks like a great time. BTW, that thread stand is awesome and I need it!!!
    BTW, hope you have a wonderful New Year!!

  3. what a beautiful gift Russ gave you. i love how prretty it is. Can't beat functional and beautiful. it was sweet that Brooklyn wanted to have a quilt for her other grandpa.....what a cutie!!!! i have heard good things about these planners. i am like you. i need to have a paper and pen to make something work for me.....i can not do lists for shopping on my phone like my hubby can i have to do it on paper or i feel ost

  4. Love the quilt, and love your gift from Russ.

    I'm the same way when it comes to keeping records and dates and such. I just have to write it down. Phones are nice, but there's something about putting pen to paper for things. I hope you blog or IG your new planner. I'd love to see it!

  5. The big grin on Brooklyn's face says it all!

  6. Gorgeous quilt and how sweet that Brooklyn felt a need for a quilt for her grandpa. Says so much about her which makes my heart soar. Love your thread stand. Have a wonderful New Years!

  7. What an awesome quilt...Happy New Year!!

  8. That quilt is just gorgeous and I LOVE the back. What a lovely gift! Happy New Year hon!

  9. That's a great quilt, Amy! You received some wonderful gifts, also. Happy New Year!

  10. What a cool thread stand - I've never seen one like that.

  11. I love tha quilt and the back is fabulous--lovely idea! I just hopped on over from sewyouquilt2 ...hugs, Julierose

  12. Brooklyn is so cute. Just look at the sweet smile on her face. You have a heart of gold my dear. Love the quilt.
    Russ looks like he loves his gift too.
    I am in love with your thread holder. That is stinkin cute.
    Happy New Year my dear.

  13. I have to write stuff down or it will definitely go out of my head. I too broke down and bought an Erin Condren Life Planner. I carry it almost every where. I haven't used it to it's fullest potential but I'll get there.
    I love the quilt and your new thread stand.


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