I'm the Queen Bee ~ Sew Sweet Bee

January 5, 2015

Once again, I am participating in an online sewing bee this year hosted by the lovely Donna at Donna's Lavender Nest.  Make sure you visit her shop and check out her darling fabrics! Oh, she also does longarm quilting, if you happen to be looking for someone finish up a quilt for you. =) 

Sew Sweet Bee photo SSB_Button_3_zpsdab33bcd.png

January is my month to be queen bee, which means I get to decide on a block for the ladies to make for me. For a few years, I have wanted to have a quilt made of houses, but I never seem to get one started, so what better time than now when I can have some houses made by my bee sisters? I found a lovely tutorial for the perfect house @ BloominWorkshop. It's not a complicated block and yet has plenty of pieces to make it scrappy and fun. 

Source: Bloominworkshop
I can't wait to see what the ladies come up with. =) I look forward to having a whole neighborhood of bright and happy houses! 

Have a happy Monday! 


  1. I love your little house! It's gonna make a cute quilt!!

  2. oh i love it!!! the house is so cute

  3. This is going to be a fun block to Amy. I am still thinking about which fabrics I want to use.
    Hope you had a great day.

  4. That will be very bright and fun. All of the blocks for that bee are so great.

  5. I'm going to try to make mine on Saturday!


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